The Legend of the World Record Brook Trout

I am a member of the slate run brown trout club and there have been several individuals recently grandstanding on social media that the fish we stock are “invasive” and saying we are bad people because we put these beautiful german brown trout into the mouth of Slate Run, Cedar Run, and into Big Pine for people to catch. They say everyone should boycott Wolfes General Store/fly shop but It just seems like harassment for no reason, stocked fish don’t hurt anything.
Is this fish sticks burner account ?
I am a member of the slate run brown trout club and there have been several individuals recently grandstanding on social media that the fish we stock are “invasive” and saying we are bad people because we put these beautiful german brown trout into the mouth of Slate Run, Cedar Run, and into Big Pine for people to catch.
You are putting some of them in Slate Run and Cedar Run?

Or putting them in Pine Creek near those streams, but not actually in them?
You are putting some of them in Slate Run and Cedar Run?

Or putting them in Pine Creek near those streams, but not actually in them?
The mouth of Slate and Cedar run is in pine creek. Slate and Cedar make good summer time habitat for those stocked fish. They run up in them once it gets hot and need to get out of Pine Creek. The German Browns and Kamloops Rainbows also go in those streams for spawning habitat.
I think those big stocked browns running up the little wild trout and native trout tribs are what the people who are against it have a problem with.
They run up about every trib they can get to from slate run to the mouth of pine. That’s over 20 wild trout streams being negatively impacted. It wouldn’t effect just slate and cedar. Not only do they eat a lot of young trout, young wild trout, young native trout. They also occupy the better deeper lies. Given the chance to spawn they potentially dilute the gene pool with inferior genes. If fishstix were here he would tell you they are bad for big pine too. They reduce the populations of native species like hellbenders and also things like Madtoms /stonecatties etc.. Stocked trout do impact already existing fisheries. I think this is a well excepted Scientific view.

That being said. I’m not boycotting a Wolfes general store sandwich 😉 Stocked trout can be great for fishing/ tourism and not so great for wild trout fisheries or the ecosystem. Both can be true. Wolfes is a store. They do what they think is best for business. They aren’t evil. Being a member of the slate run brown trout club doesn’t make you a bad person. Fishing for these German browns doesn’t make you a bad person. Boycotting a delicious sandwich though?????? 🤔

I believe the opposite is true. IMO, not enough oversight in what gets stocked in many streams in Pa.
I agree with you. Stocking should only be allowed to be performed by the PFBC because they are “resource first” and would never place stocked trout in places where they would compete with native fish.

Oh wait…………
I agree with you. Stocking should only be allowed to be performed by the PFBC because they are “resource first” and would never place stocked trout in places where they would compete with native fish.

Oh wait…………
I get the gist of your post, but at least we know the origin and conditions of where those stocked trout come from.
I think ALL stocking of trout over wild, naturally reproducing populations should stop.
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I get the gist of your post, but at least we know the origin and conditions of where those stocked trout come from.
I think ALL stocking of trout over wild, naturally reproducing populations should stop.
Do we really know the conditions of those fish? How many months did the PFBC keep the mudsnail stuff under wraps? The only fish health report I can find online shows a litany of disease issues.

I agree though, zero stocking by anyone where native fish are a concern. Until the PFBC is made to abide by that, the general public should be free to do as they wish.
I think those big stocked browns running up the little wild trout and native trout tribs are what the people who are against it have a problem with.
They run up about every trib they can get to from slate run to the mouth of pine. That’s over 20 wild trout streams being negatively impacted. It wouldn’t effect just slate and cedar. Not only do they eat a lot of young trout, young wild trout, young native trout. They also occupy the better deeper lies. Given the chance to spawn they potentially dilute the gene pool with inferior genes. If fishstix were here he would tell you they are bad for big pine too. They reduce the populations of native species like hellbenders and also things like Madtoms /stonecatties etc.. Stocked trout do impact already existing fisheries. I think this is a well excepted Scientific view.

That being said. I’m not boycotting a Wolfes general store sandwich 😉 Stocked trout can be great for fishing/ tourism and not so great for wild trout fisheries or the ecosystem. Both can be true. Wolfes is a store. They do what they think is best for business. They aren’t evil. Being a member of the slate run brown trout club doesn’t make you a bad person. Fishing for these German browns doesn’t make you a bad person. Boycotting a delicious sandwich though?????? 🤔


Thank you for pointing out Wolfe’s General Store and Fly Shop isn’t evil. The above photo is proof of the work the General Store/Brown Trout Club does to save the trout. Thats why I support their bussiness and put money in that jar everytime I patron them or help them stock. They give all that money back to the resource in the form of stocking those trout behind their store. It is their right to put what ever they want into pine creek because they are a bussiness as you mentioned and stocking fish into pine creek is good for bussiness, not just saving the trout.
It remains a fact that any private stocking in any waters not authorized by the PFBC is illegal; just read the unlawful acts in the Pa fishing summary book.
It remains a fact that any private stocking in any waters not authorized by the PFBC is illegal; just read the unlawful acts in the Pa fishing summary book.
Could you show me where it says that in the regulations book?
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Thank you for pointing out Wolfe’s General Store and Fly Shop isn’t evil. The above photo is proof of the work the General Store/Brown Trout Club does to save the trout. Thats why I support their bussiness and put money in that jar everytime I patron them or help them stock. They give all that money back to the resource in the form of stocking those trout behind their store. It is their right to put what ever they want into pine creek because they are a bussiness as you mentioned and stocking fish into pine creek is good for bussiness, not just saving the trout.
Do business always place environmental concerns above profits?
Good point, certainly not. Wolfes/SR Tackle Shop is one of the rare exceptions helping the environment.
Helping the environment by placing thousands of large, non-native trout to compete with sensitive native species?
I am a member of the slate run brown trout club and there have been several individuals recently grandstanding on social media that the fish we stock are “invasive” and saying we are bad people because we put these beautiful german brown trout into the mouth of Slate Run, Cedar Run, and into Big Pine for people to catch. They say everyone should boycott Wolfes General Store/fly shop but It just seems like harassment for no reason, stocked fish don’t hurt anything.
Well considering that area of Pine Creek is really smallmouth and fallfish waters BUT a lot of it trout catch and release only has never made sense to me at all! I mean any waters that the fish have to gather by the hundredss at a very small tributary mouth during summer just to attempt to survive is not trout water. I don't mind artificial trout fisheries BUT the way Pine is glorified I've always thought was stupid. Lots of bigshots fromt out of the area donating money when I'd love to see a real wild/native waterway get that kind of care and treatment (minus the pellet heads).
Helping the environment by placing thousands of large, non-native trout to compete with sensitive native species?
Yea exactly competition keeps the brook trout, hellbenders, and stone cats on their toes like fenwick mentioned. I think as anglers we can all feel good about supporting those thousands of competitors with our purchase of gas, tackle, and food at wolfe’s(SRBTC headquarters). We can feel good about sponsoring that valuable competition as conservation minded anglers every time we patron them.
Yea exactly competition keeps the brook trout, hellbenders, and stone cats on their toes like fenwick mentioned. I think as anglers we can all feel good about supporting those thousands of competitors with our purchase of gas, tackle, and food and feel good about sponsoring that valuable competition as conservation minded anglers.
I would have thought that someone as environmentally minded as you would know that stone cats don’t live in Pine Creek.