The Last Best Day



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Just finished Mickael Altizer's "The Last Best Day." Except for some egregious errors that somehow escaped proofreading, it isn't too bad. He does stray from fishing in places as he delves into philosophy. He is apparently a religious man who loved his dad, which permeates much of the book. The book's subtitle, "A Trout Fisherman's Perspective," sort of tells you it's not exactly a fishing book, though it includes some interesting fishing stories.
A little maudlin in spots, it is still worth reading, esp if you can find it online. It's not worth $40.00, but I thought it was worth the $25 I paid for it, and it was certainly an easy read for me after I had just waded through a somewhat disappointing "War & Peace." And, any book that begins by saying "God didn't have to create trout; he could have settled for bass," is certainly worth a trout fisherman's time.