The Kingfisher



Jul 23, 2007
This past Sat. i was fishing a pond that i fish regularly during summer, when i noticed an adult Kingfisher in a persimmon tree watching me intently. Everytime i would throw a popper or what not he would dive at it and scold it very loudly. This went on for over an hour and i thought if i catch a fish what would he do?? On the second or third cast i hooked into a Sunny, and when it was near shore he dove down , missed it and i let slack out to let the Sunny go to deeper water. Each time i brought the Sunny in the same thing would happen. I let slack in the line and he got off . He was either a very hungry bird or was showing me you dont need rod or reel, just good tactics and a sharp beak.. :-D
I'm noticing more and more Kingfishers the last couple years in areas that I hadn't seen them before. To me that's a good sign that the general environmental quality of our streams is improving.
I have to wonder how much these birds of prey have to do with the Susky. Almost seems like a population explosion and these damn flathead catfish on top of it. One would imagine panfish and rock bass would also be easier targets.