The key to becoming a better fly fisher....

Not that it matters,

But a run can be a deep spot in a riffle. I tend to call that a pocket, though. BTW, I love pockets!

But maybe the most common situation for a "run" is at the tail of a riffle/head of a pool. Where the riffle slows some and deepens, but there's still good current. For me such places tend to underwhelm with nymphing. They look great, but I don't do as well as I do in pockets/riffles, or edges of pools or tailouts. Maybe I'm doing something wrong! But they tend to be good during a spinner fall, as fish move up into them out of the pool below, each one trying to get ahead of another fish.
The key to becoming a better fly fisher: delay marriage until you have mastered your skills
The key to becoming a better fly- fisher is:

One more spilt shot