"The Hobgoblin"



New member
Sep 6, 2008
Working on my next video to share. It was epic goodness this Fall Steelhead Season. I will post it when I have it completed.


Please allow me to critique:

This is a terrible photo. Technically speaking, you've checked out the tick marks: The subject is in great focus, the lens exhibits wonderful bokeh, its lit perfectly well, colour balance looks great, etc.

The problem is that you've make a complete ****up of it by trying to force a terrible back ground. Its busy, bright, and draws away from your subject matter by washing out the colour and defination.

Next time, hold a piece of paper or foam behind your object. I might be able to make out your fly instead of having my eyes seared a conflagration of primary colours and shapes with no visual benefit what so ever.

Also vignetting is lame. Only reason it was ever a thing is because old lenses didn't provide full coverage. Its a throwback that should be thrown back.

Nice fly. That swinger I'm sure has caught some fish. Love the orange eyes. An orange bead head egg sucking leach has been killer for me.

the sad thing is I know everything that gfen is talking about. That's scary.

Here ya go Gfen didn't realize I had to spend time making the photo perfect for you. I apologize in advance for the vignette, but at least I have a more appropriate background for ya.

Just so you know I have a series of pics for this fly, but I chose one hastily without consideration of you.

gfen wrote:

Please allow me to critique:

This is a terrible photo. Technically speaking, you've checked out the tick marks: The subject is in great focus, the lens exhibits wonderful bokeh, its lit perfectly well, colour balance looks great, etc.

The problem is that you've make a complete ****up of it by trying to force a terrible back ground. Its busy, bright, and draws away from your subject matter by washing out the colour and defination.

Next time, hold a piece of paper or foam behind your object. I might be able to make out your fly instead of having my eyes seared a conflagration of primary colours and shapes with no visual benefit what so ever.

Also vignetting is lame. Only reason it was ever a thing is because old lenses didn't provide full coverage. Its a throwback that should be thrown back.


Hopefully you've learned how to present something you're proud of instead of camouflaging it with a terribad background.

Anyways, vignetting still sucks but at least I can see what you've made. Everyone wins.

If you want to believe you actually taught me something about backgrounds, you think away.

Like I said, I have several shots of this fly and I do understand about contrasting backgrounds. It's the same reason I use a profile plate while I tie. As far as the vignette, I can really care less whether or not you like it. I can take some pretty nice shots and do when I want to spend the time, but I didn't realize I had to do such a professional job for you. I should've consulted you prior to posting.

To the rest of y'all, I posted this to give a heads up that I was working on the video tutorial for it and was going to share it when I completed it for whomever wanted to watch it.

You can thank yourself Gfen for teaching me not to post or share anything on here again.
Nice fly defranks. Not only does it have some very nice colors and style but a different structural design from the more run-of-the-mill streamers we're used to seeing.

I like it.

Really cool looking fly, how long does the battery last? :) that bad boy shines like it's lit up.