The Golden Furnace(swapfly14)

How about we round up the pinheads causing the trouble and kick them would that be. because IMHO the JU's of the world have more to offer than the Drake"eske" dejectors recording their demise here.

Consider your comments documented.
Why the need for a moderator to start calling people names?

I don't think anyone is "recording their demise"
Rather continuing a conversation/confrontation that was started by a moderator on a now deleted thread...

Please make sure this comment is documented as well
Here's a simple question. If you don't like a particular poster or the information he or she may provide, why can't you simply ignore them? If someone rubs you the wrong way, then just look the other way.
Count me as one who happens to like JU's pattern postings. Those of you that don't or want to pick a fight should go back to the OT forum and entertain yourselves.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Here's a simple question. If you don't like a particular poster or the information he or she may provide, why can't you simply ignore them? If someone rubs you the wrong way, then just look the other way.

+1. Forget about the anonymity of the internet and treat these forums as a public meeting place. If you wouldn't say it to a person face-to-face, just keep it to yourself. It would make this a much more civil and enjoyable place.
Some posters have an agenda on here. My agenda is simple....I like to read about, learn about, and post about fly-fishing. That's it! I don't have time for drama or soap operas.

I will get this thread back on track. Tutorial coming.

The materials. The collins saddle is from a furnace hen. It has great color depth to it. I really dig it. You can score these with a furnace or a Greenwells hen neck from collins hacke farm. The thread is pearsalls amber gossamer silk thread. The dubbin is u.v. high test. Use your favorite wet fly hook. I like daiichi 1550s. Lets twist one up.


Start the thread and wrap to half way on the shank. Touching turns the whole way.
Wax about 3"-4" of thread.


Wrap the thread back to just past the barb, touching turns, then spiral wrap it back up to where the thread started


Dub the thorax. Just a small ball. This is for helping the hen hackle to stay of the body. Its optional.


Select a saddle feather and strip one side like so. If you wrap clockwise strip the left side like shown.


Tie in the feather by the tip, stripped side away from you.


Wrap the hackle. Sweep the fibers back as you turn. Take 1 and 1/12 turns. Tie it off, going towards the eye, then sweep everything back and wrap the thread back to hackle collar.


Keep the thread tight, and snap off the butt end of the hackle.


Half hitch the silk thread and clip it off.


Start the black thread at the eye and wrap back to the hackle collar.


Whip finish.


Give the head a nice coating of your favorite varnish. I like to make all my wetfly and soft hackle heads nice and shiny. You now have yourself a nice softy that the trout will like as well.

Nice Johnny don't worry about those big bunch of cry babies I don't see them doing anything productive for the site .I guess that they forgot about a person's artistic license if that is how you interpret the fly or like to tie it honestly who are they to judge .I enjoy your tutorials BTW.
Way to keep things on track freddie