The Feathered Hook Website



May 18, 2010
I obsessively follow various Penns Creek stream reports this time of year. Has anyone else noticed that The Feathered Hook has not had any update since April 1st? Is this a long-running April Fools joke? I hope that everything okay with Jonas and company.

I could have written the stream report for the last several days without actually having to be there...

There probably busy fishing! Looks like they have been posting updates on the facebook page on a regular basis so I assume everything is ok.
I didn't know they had a Facebook page, thanks. I guess most everyone in the world is on Facebook except me.
Bruce Fisher at Penn's Creek Angler (Weikert, PA) also regularly posts updates on his Facebook page.
Luke wrote:
I obsessively follow various Penns Creek stream reports this time of year. Has anyone else noticed that The Feathered Hook has not had any update since April 1st? Is this a long-running April Fools joke? I hope that everything okay with Jonas and company.

I could have written the stream report for the last several days without actually having to be there...

Must be on the raft on Penns.
I'm just busting ***. I don't agree with floating Penns though.
I have TCO's page bookmarked, as i like my websites quick and dirty and to the point:

Troy wrote:
Luke wrote:
I obsessively follow various Penns Creek stream reports this time of year. Has anyone else noticed that The Feathered Hook has not had any update since April 1st? Is this a long-running April Fools joke? I hope that everything okay with Jonas and company.

I could have written the stream report for the last several days without actually having to be there...

Must be on the raft on Penns.

hahahaha!!! good one!!
What is the issue with floating Penn's or other creeks in a raft?
They have a raft and the whiners don't and have never lived where this is as common as ducks on the water. The bigger problem is that no one practices courtesy. That goes for rafters and waders. They both think the water is theirs and to heck with the other guy. I say that because I've seen it.
tomgamber wrote:
They have a raft and the whiners don't and have never lived where this is as common as ducks on the water. The bigger problem is that no one practices courtesy. That goes for rafters and waders. They both think the water is theirs and to heck with the other guy. I say that because I've seen it.

Quit assuming things. I lived five miles from the Madison River. The size of that river warrants rafts and drift boats.
I'll agree 100%...... Penns at normal range of flow isn't conducive to wade and float fishing.....not big enough ...sorry.......

Has nothing to do with not having a raft I have access to a raft and have fished from a raft many times and never even considered penns creek as a option to use it there.

Guys have taken them on fishing creek too whatever you like I guess go get em.
Site has been updated as of today.
There's really nothing new under the sun....back in the 80's I recall numerous opening days when some yahoos would float down thru Muddy Creek in their canoes.....but since there was no capital interest in it, that was ok I guess?
Its more of a summer thing but it still gets boat traffic. At Muddy. Remember the grant funding opportunity for the Letort years ago that included "boat Launches" I thought people were gonna blow a vein in their heads.
Jonas at Feathered Hook does a lot more on Instagram these days. I know not everyone has instagram but that's the best place to follow them for updates. Bruce at PCA does a great job of posting pretty much everyday about stream conditions. I think it should be about perfect mid week next week. Going to try and take a trip for a few days.
Confirmed: Feathered Hook has ruined Penns Creak and all social media.
Add Bruce Fisher to this as well ...

Oh man a swengel west ender is in the house.