The end begins here.....

but does anyone know the requirements for reclaimation after drilling on state land?

They must, and do, recontour the land. I'm not sure about tree replanting. A small part of the pad itself, definitely not, there will be condensate tanks and some piping there, with semi-maintained grass and semi-maintained access road. Every so often a truck will come in and empty the condensate tanks. But the edges of the pad site are usually allowed to reforest to encroach the wells some, so that the original clearing is much bigger than the permanent clearing. I don't know if they plant the trees or just let em grow naturally.

That said, the landscaping crew's arrival may be up to a year later than the frac crew's departure.

From what I've seen activities go in spurts, and different teams do different things. On the shallow wells, the landscaping team will come in for a few days and clear out the land, make the evaporation pit, etc. Then it'll sit empty for a few months. Then the drill team comes in and does their thing. Then it sits empty for weeks or months. Then the frac team shows up, then it sits empty again. Then the landscapers return.

With Marcellus, I think the same basic premise applies. Except that each team has a bigger job which will take longer. And there maybe up to 12 wells per pad, so the drill teams and frac teams rotate for a while, and the site may be a muddy mess for 3-5 years instead of 1 year like with the shallow wells.

The trade-off is that there are less wells. Instead of a new well every quarter mile or so, one well covers a much larger area due to the horizontal drilling. So the "well density" is much lower, but each site is much bigger and activity there lasts longer.
Jane EARLL is up for election this year.
The Politicians will not do or listen unless we have a protest/uprising, like they are having over in Egypt. That will get their attention, real fast.
Flog them with flies
just got a nice e-mail back from one of my reps, he is on our side, he supports maintaining the moratorium on state land drilling, and also the severance tax. he is against relaxing any regulations or permitting. I'll have to send him a reply thanking him for caring for our land and our future.
out of all the e-mails I've sent, this is the first one that wasn't a prewritten automatic reply.
good to know at least someone cares!
people, please, write your reps, maybe they will listen!!!
thank you pcray, I was hoping you would chime in, I figured you would know something about that. be nice to get regulation in place that requires replanting of trees.
It doesn't surprise me the always stupid M. White proposes this legislation.
What I find most distastful is that NONE of this gas is going to benefit anyone in PA but for the landowners, all of the gas will end up overseas, they are already building the piplines to Baltimore and other ports to ship it out. So I ask again where is the benefit to PA Citizens?