The Creepy Sculpin



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
So, my son (5) requested tonight that he tie a fly. This is his second tie. His first was a crazy looking bugger. I give him a bunch of choices of materials for specific parts of the body. After he choose what he wanted, we created what he called "The Creepy". He sat on my lap and I would make the first wrap over the material and allow him to make the rest. I cut everything, and luckily I have a rotary, that after I lock the thread down, can let him hold the material as I slowly spin the vice. Think it actually came out nice, and glad to see he can choose color patterns that kinda go together.

Wish my wife would have been home so she could have took a picture of us at the bench. O well, next time.


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Two thumbs up!
He was just getting ready to take a bath. I told him to hold on, and I tied about 4ft of mono to it. It looks really good in the water! lol I am actually going to use this. He had fun swimming it around in the tub. lol
Sweet, watching your children starting to do something you love so much is fantastic. Plus your gaining an in house tying partner. Cool looking fly.
Need that loon stuff
He wanted it to have glow in the dark cheeks. Lol Loon was kind to me, and I won their whole selection of hard head, during the 12 days of Xmas.
It is great LV. He absolutely loves fishing. He will be with me at the Sommerset show.
I look forward to meeting him.
Good stuff Shane.
Careful with those sculpin helmets. One poor cast cost me my five weight on Monday. Yes, I know, my fault for stupidly using a five weight to throw such a meaty fly.

Nice fly btw
Did you get any Loon tungsten powder? I can't believe it's $60 a bottle! WTF
No only one of everytype of Hard Head.
That is one sweet looking fly. Congrats to your son on tying something much better than anything I've ever tied. I know you're probably fishing it for trout, but that looks like one heck of a bass fly.
It has no limitations.
That is really cool Becker! If you are around on Saturday 11:30-3 bring him by the Catskill Guild booth. It would be great to meet him and I'll give him some flys.
Mike, I will bring him over. Stop by the LCFA booth as well. He will be with me.
Becks this would work on your favorite stream, Big Spring (where I've thrown sculpins w/ a 3wt!)
I know, I plan on using it there.
Now take him out on your favorite stream with a light spinning rod a let him try it out. He'll have a blast.
That's awesome becker i'm debating on maybe teaching my daughter how to tie a booger, but i'm in hear of the tip of the hook. i can totally see her sticking her self...

any tips n getting the child to respect the hook other than negative reinforcement?