The Best 9' 5 wt Rod?

If you ever get up my way, you're welcome to cast a few of my rods and see what you think.
RLeep2 wrote:
I believe my Americana was made in Vermont, although I wouldn't bet the ranch on it. But bear in mind that was over 20 years ago. Since then, IIRC, they went under for a while, then Cortland bought the name and marketed the rods. Then Cortland themselves went through a re-org and changed hands. I'm unsure where Diamondback ended up in the wake of all this other than that they are still (or maybe back) in the rod business.

My Americana is a 2 pc. One of the main reasons I like it is because it is, like me, kinda slow...:) I've never been a big fan of faster rods.
The Diamondback "All American" rods were USA made. I own three of them. An 8' 4 wt., a 8.5' 5 wt. and a 9.5' 8 wt. The "Americana" was not. Made in China.

You made me go down in the basement...:)

My Diamondback is an "All American" and presumably made in VT or wherever they were making rods in 1996-7.
Raftman, If you ever get up my way, you're welcome to cast a few of my rods and see what you think.

Thanks man! I'm not too far from you and fish the Susky a lot down here around Marietta. I'd love to explore it more up where you are... let's make it happen this summer.

I'll bring beer.
Hmm... gonna have to keep an eye out for those All-American rods. Made in Vermont? Very cool. I'd love to cast one of those sometime. Maybe one will show up on Ebay.
Whoa. This is interesting. Taken from this post -

"I worked at for Diamondback fly rods from 1991-2007. I was in charge of rod design from 1996-2007 (Cortland closed the Vermont plant in 2007). I was in charge of the design of the "All American series"......"VSR series".........."Backwater series"............."Diamondfly series"............"Americana series"............."Saltwater series"................"Stu Apte series"............."Diamondglass series" (my favorite rod of all time)...........a series of one piece hybrid spin rods that were fantastic but, never made it to market due to the timing of the Vermont facility mention a few.

The equipment is pretty much all gone. A rod builder by the name of Mike Mcfarland from Mcfarland Fly Rods purchased the equipment so that he could start building his own blanks. Mike is an absolutely fantastic guy and makes incredible rods. His product, made in Pennsylvania, is American made. His attention to detail is second to none. Mike is a avid fly fisherman who knows rods and rod actions just as well, if not better, than just about anyone out there. When Mike first purchased the equipment, I helped him navigate the initial set up and many of those questions pop up when such endeavors begin.

Concerning the thought that some were interested in trying to bring back Diamondback, I think that it is a very noble idea but, trust is a tough gig - lots of money and lots of time, not too mention lots of competition and no guarantees. My suggestion to you would be to put your positive energy and desire to buy American product and check out Mcfarland fly rods. I "have no rod in this casting contest"/dog in this fight......Mike just strikes me as great individual who makes great product."

I believe TimRobinson has a Mcfarland that he absolutely loves...
Best, is the one in your hand. Is it the rod or fisherman? I would like to think the fisherman and not the rod. But I am just a simple man.

The trouble with all the "best of" subjects often posted is that there is never a conclusion other than the fact the the best is an individual choice. We all have a favorite rod/reel/fly etc. and it is always the best!
mattwolf wrote:
I love my Sage X...

I saw that Sage is now offering 3 color combinations for the blanks on the X. That's the first time I remember Sage giving that option. I wish they did that for the Igniter.