The beginning



New member
Jan 24, 2016
Hi guys, New to this forum. I have fly fished and caught but generally get frustrated and go back to the spinning rod. I decided to go all in this year. I also started tying. I use to tie saltwater teasers so I had all the equipment and it was a natural jump over for me. I live in NJ but have a cabin in West pike Potter county. I did my first trip on Sunday and it was nice but no fish. Fished at Lockwood gorge in NJ. It was packed.
My first question has to do with hip boots. I just have lug soles. Can I do anything for traction in these rocky stream bottoms? It was so bad that I tossed my cell phone on the bank because I would have bet that I was going swimming.
Thanks and hope to see you guys out there
Hello and Welcome,
regarding hip boots - in the old days we used to glue indoor / outdoor carpet to the soles but now you can buy felt soles and glue them on - however for the trouble i'd just wait til ****s or some other sports store has their spring sale - got a pair of felt sole hippers there last year on sale for about $40.

Also using a wading staff/old ski pole can make a difference when wading.

Good luck with the flies this year.
If it makes you feel any better I picked the spinning rod back up to take my kids fishing and I'm useless with the darn thing. Get chest waders with felt soles and screw in some studs. You can screw studs into your lugs too but be prepared to get wet with the hip jobs.
I use waist high boots, better than hoppers, and less restricting than chest waders. I use stocking foot ones so I can wet wade during the hot months.