That's a lot of blacktop



Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
State College
more impervious surface with auto runoff not far from Spring Creek. Hopefully run-off abatement will be handled properly
Plan shows two on-site stormwater ponds.
Looks like this is just what Centre County needs, another 15 acres of asphalt parking lot just 4 miles up the road from 10 to 20 acres of asphalt parking lot at an almost dead mall.
That's very depressing.

With all of the development going around the State College area, I don't know how Spring Creek can survive. Though I haven't fished Spring in a number of years, I have some nice memories of fishing it in the past.
Wow!...."progress" :roll:

Well, at least as Mike said, they have detention basins, but still not a good thing for Spring Creek.
In some parts of the state, many larger develops are starting to utilize underground infiltration basins in special protection, cold water watersheds to help offset the thermal impacts of the impervious surface. I am not an engineer, but I believe those setups require specific site conditions (ie infiltration rates, soil depths etc).

Stormwater management is a big issue state wide and has been getting a lot of attention in the form of improving bmps and monitoring to ensure proper functions.

lycoflyfisher wrote:
In some parts of the state, many larger develops are starting to utilize underground infiltration basins in special protection, cold water watersheds to help offset the thermal impacts of the impervious surface. I am not an engineer, but I believe those setups require specific site conditions (ie infiltration rates, soil depths etc).

Stormwater management is a big issue state wide and has been getting a lot of attention in the form of improving bmps and monitoring to ensure proper functions.

You can see the detention basins on the diagram. I'm assuming they are there to handle the storm runoff. Just a guess, though.
afishinado wrote:

You can see the detention basins on the diagram. I'm assuming they are there to handle the storm runoff. Just a guess, though.

Understood, however a conceptual plan in the paper is far from a final land development plan or a final plan that has been approved by DEP for erosion and sediment control and sotrmwater management. There very well may be changes to this plan.