To: Brook Trout Crusaders
From: Swattie87
I agree with you. I think many (most?) of us PA wild Trout anglers do, from a fisheries management standpoint. With that established, can we please try to better limit this discussion to threads specifically designated as such for discussing “wild invasive Brown Trout” and/or the management of our remaining native Brook Trout populations.
I don’t care what you guys, or anyone else, calls them. I’m just tired of getting click-baited into reading about Thanksgiving Day fishing traditions (or whatever the thread title is) and finding this discussion recurring in seemingly every thread. I’m not singling any one individual out, but collectively as a group, I find it offensive and disrespectful to other forum members, especially those who initiate new threads, at this point.
I don’t mind discussing it, and frankly, I’d be more willing to participate in this discussion if it was better limited to threads originally intended to discuss it.