Thanks Squaretail!!!



Jul 24, 2007
Greetings to all, just wanted to say Hi to all here from a "Newbie" as Squaretail puts it. He and I spent a day fishing Clarks Creek and it was the first time fishing together in MANY years. He has opened my eyes to a whole new world of fishing as well as reintroduced me to a man I have greatly missed and now have back in my life, thanks to his will to be Alive and live life to the fullest. Thanks Dan, I had a great day and can't wait to wet some flies with you again as soon as possible.
hi! welcome to the board and the world of flyfishing. my buddy fishes with squaretail and someday me and him are going to meet up. we gotta go check out that special stream ;-) from squaretails pics he seems to be a pretty acomplished flyfisherman and he is also a very good photographer! im glad to see u 2 have gotten back together. if ya ever need any help with some good flyfishing locations in lancaster let me know. im live in this county too. :-D
anyways good luck!
Thanks for the welcome, Dan told me you're a pretty knowledgable (sp?) fisherman and told me you were from my area as well. I will definately watch your posts for more info and maybe we can share some secrets as well, while I live in Ephrata, my real stomping grounds are Centre County. I have a cabin on some mountian land close to Elk Creek, Fishing Creek and Penn's Creek and that's where I prefer to trout fish. Around here it's mostly Bass, which are loads of fun on a fly rod!
Those are some pretty storied waters on this board. Hope some of these fellers dont think thats the only reason we're back in touch. Not that I mind it. Not one teeny, tiny bit! Fishing Creek was my "stream of the year" last year on Dave Wolfs board.
I think this year I may have to cast a vote for "cousin of the year".

I live close to you. I live back Seglock Road above Hopeland. Your a lucky dog having a camp in that area.

Lancaster County has some pretty good trout fishing and I am not talking about stocked fish. It's not Centre County, but it gets me by till I can make a trip up there.
Welcome to the board!
Cousin of the year??? I don't think so...How about MAN of the year for you, Dan. You've accomplished a hell of a lot more than I have and I'm not talking just about fishing! If anyone deserves a "title" it's you, Buddy! Keep moving forward, you're on one Hell of a roll. Thanks to all the other guys for a warm welcome, looking forward to becoming a "regular here!
Hi Kweaver, the only streams I know of in Lancaster county with natives is the upper branch of Hammer creek ( yes, I saw native brookies about 3-5 inches and VERY spooky) and someone told me Chiques creek has natives but I'm not sure it's cold enough, are these facts?
Just sitting here thinking a bit without consulting anything but my mental list, I can think of about 16 Lancaster Co named streams and unnamed tributaries with wild brook trout populations and another three or four with wild brown trout populations, so you are not situated in a biological wasteland. Most of these streams are very small, but most are also fishable. Populations vary from very low density to high density. In large part all you need to find are forested slopes or hills. Only one is a meadow limestoner, and its wild trout population is very small. One of the brook trout streams is surprising because of its low gradient, however.
Thanks Mike, you have definately raised my enthusiasm for finding our more about these places, who'da thunk? I appreciate everyones tips, thanks to all! You have encouraged to fish a little closer to home now.
hey there bud! shoot me a pm and i can help ya out with all the streams mike metioned and a few not on the natural reproduction list. just becareful who ya share my info does have some wild trout streams and id hate to see any of them go away to disrespectful anglers. anyways i can tell ya a few real close to your home and i can even group streams close you can fish more than 1 per trip. i will tell you that the most beautiful habitat and streams are farther from you. one stream close to u i caught a 14 inch wild brook trout out of. not the norm but exploring streams is the best way to find a fish like that. hope to hear from you soon. also if ya ever want a tour of a stream with giant trout let me know!
Funny you should say that Sal. When I was going to get him down to that stream, I was going to give you a pm. I'm pretty sure he has no idea, but neither did I. But I did show him Gods gift even though we cant fish it till sept.
Unfortunatley the president doesn't have much on this man as I'm hoping to get some more time from him before 2008.
And are you going to tell me the name of this stream? A 14 inch Wild Brookie? Is that the same as a Native brookie? I don't think I've EVER seen or heard of a 14 inch "wild" brookie except one I caught in 1982 and that was in a beaver pond 75 miles from any civilization in Canada. Is this possible in PA?
When you log in to post see if the "inbox" is highlighted under user menu. If not dont be discouraged. Sal tends to keep streams like that tightly gaurded and rightfully so. But he will give one up here and there to the right person. Its a long story, maybe he can tell you himself one day. But you probably wont see info like that posted on the internet for all to see.
hehe corn......i sent ya the pic. you tell me if ya think its wild. that wild brookie was huge! anyways be sure to check ur pm....i sent ya a load of info and can give u enough streams to fish 30 minutes or less from ur home to keep u busy for weeks. just let me know! im serious about that tour.....squaretail...if ya showed him gods gift it might not impress im has much! although...these fish are huge and only 15 mintues from his house :-D
Beautiful Photos, Sal. Thanks for sharing! Those truly are beautiful fish! I actually have fished the little stream that feeds into Hammer at the gravel road and I all I caught was some fall fish, but I'll try again, now that I know the truth. I think Squaretail and you and I should spend a day together down here, then head up to Centre County for some more fishing and camping!
Sals got his own place to go to up near Pine and Slate. Maybe you guys can sample each others playground and I'll go along and grade each one and give you the results. Theres a tuff job....decide between Pine and Slate, or Fishing and Penns. But I'm man enough for the job
Hmm, that IS a tough job, I don't know if it's fair to ask you to do that, Dan. Wouldn't you be more comfortable just staying closer to home, fishing with spinners or corn like we used to do? Ooops, did I say that? In all seriousness, let's get busy with setting a date in September! and October! and November and...Decem....Oh wait, that's Hunting time, but you know what, I could be persuaded to fishing in the snow, wouldn't be the first time, just the first time in a long time!