Thanks for the add the forum


New member
Apr 1, 2022
Good evening

As the name states, It is a given on the way I like to fly fish. I am primarily a wet fly, midge, and Adams attempter. I am nowhere even able to call myself a fly fisherman yet. I have been following Davy Wotton way of fishing since my return back to fly fishing after a 20 year hiatus (I was intemperate in my youth. And a fly rod and I had a disagreement stream side one day.) I hail from the bustling metropolis of Muncy. Got back into doing some fly fishing and tying off and on for a couple years now, but finally got a work schedule and time that will allow time for fly fishing and tying. Looking forward to learning from all on here as I try to get serious about tying and fishing.
What type of rod do you use for wet fly fishing? I have listened to several podcasts recently featuring Davy Wotton and am interested in giving it a try. My local fly shop also is a big proponent of fishing wet flies.
What type of rod do you use for wet fly fishing? I have listened to several podcasts recently featuring Davy Wotton and am interested in giving it a try. My local fly shop also is a big proponent of fishing wet flies.
I use a 10' 5wt TFO Pro II. I don't make long casts. Most of my casts just leave a couple feet of fly line on the water. I enjoy the fishing of wet flies. I want to tie and fish just the old North Country flies. And I think those soft hackles are like my Grandfather's Model 70 Pre 64. Not only effective, but add a great deal aesthetic value when fishing.
I use a 10' 5wt TFO Pro II. I don't make long casts. Most of my casts just leave a couple feet of fly line on the water. I enjoy the fishing of wet flies. I want to tie and fish just the old North Country flies. And I think those soft hackles are like my Grandfather's Model 70 Pre 64. Not only effective, but add a great deal aesthetic value when fishing.
The local fly shop here specializes in tying North Country spiders. They are very elegant looking flies.
Hello Wet_Fly. There several wet fly devotees that are part of the forum. I am a fan of Wet Fly Ways by Wotton. Indeed an enjoyable way to fish. Welcome to PAFF.

BDHoover, pardon me for asking but what fly shop were you referencing in your post?

Enjoy the day.
Hello Wet_Fly. There several wet fly devotees that are part of the forum. I am a fan of Wet Fly Ways by Wotton. Indeed an enjoyable way to fish. Welcome to PAFF.

BDHoover, pardon me for asking but what fly shop were you referencing in your post?

Enjoy the day.
Great Feathers in Sparks, MD
Welcome to PAFF Wet_Fly! I generally use a multitude of techniques and flies when flyfishing. I kind of like to keep my options open when trying to figure out what is the best approach for every given situation. However, I enjoy fishing wet flies probably as much or more than any other technique. When the bugs start popping and the fish take up a position in the mid water column and are looking up it is tough to beat fishing wets. For me, wading down through the middle of a knee deep riffle full of pocket water and swinging wets off of both banks is a very relaxing and effective way to flyfish and I look forward to the opportunities every year.
Welcome aboard.GG