Thanks Everyone



New member
Mar 21, 2010
Hello all, I have been lurking around this forum for the past few months and have learned so much from everyone throughout the forum. I just wanted to thank everyone for their insights and information and most importantly their humor and love for fly fishing. This forum has really motivated me to get back into the sport after a 15 year absence due to "life."
I will be returning to the south central PA area in a little under a year after floating around the country/world in the military the past 8 years. I am very excited to return home and get back into fishing the streams I did when I was younger and also find new streams to explore.
This forum has been a valuable resource as I have been researching gear to buy and just gain more insight into techniques and any other information to help out. I figure it will be time to upgrade my old gear which I think has pretty much decayed into dust :) I hope that my wisdom with age will make up for my 15 year lack of practice and that it will be like riding a bicycle. We shall see. Thanks again all and I look forward to checking out this site when I can as I finish my time overseas and return to the states. Take care.
Welcome to the board. Thanks for your service.

Welcome to the board, get bad here safe and good luck with the flyfishing!

Welcome brother. I've been to the Philippines!! Uncle Sam sent me places I would never have paid to go on vacation. Hope to see you on the streams soon.
Thanks a lot guys. Anxious to get back to it. For now though this forum goes with my morning coffee and takes the place of the local newspaper :)
Welcome to PAFF - glad you've decided to touch base. Enjoy your morning coffee and best of luck with your return to fly fishing. :)