Thank you to Donegal TU



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Just want to express a quick thank you to Donegal TU for being such pleasant hosts this past week. I was impressed with the professional organization of the meeting, lead by the Chapter president, the concise reports from various members and guests on the progress of Chapter projects, and the types of projects and programs that were being announced for the future. Members were polite and engaging, and provided some welcomed tips on where we could find wild trout streams in the county that we had not yet documented for the Unassessed Wild Trout Streams Program. Additional kudos for all of the Chapter's habitat work!
Good to hear.
Area Fisheries Manager (AFM) presentations are always appreciated at TU meetings and provide a great opportunity to bounce around discussion of potential stream improvement projects or issues related to habitat, fish population, access, etc.

AFM presentations are always among the best attended meetings for CVTU and there is always great interest among the membership in the latest population data or planned stream projects.
I should note that John Arway, Executive Director, and Leroy Young, Chief, Bureau of Fisheries, were the speakers. They spoke largely on statewide programs and issues, while I was officially present to answer questions of a local nature and engage with Chapter members.
Well I would like to thank John, Leroy and Mike for a really insightful presentation. It would have been nice to see more folks come out because this is really the kind of "nuts and bolts" stuff that TU members and committed anglers need to hear about. The PFBC staff did a great job of addressing the concerns facing the commission and I think that kind of transparency in a governmental and enforcement agency is really refreshing. I recorded the entire meeting and I want to write a review capturing the highlights for anyone that missed it.

The take away here is that if you get a chance to have these guys out to your club make sure you do. I enjoy having various authors and fly fishing "celebrities" but this meeting had a lot of substantial and insightful information that is really critical for understanding the state of fishing in PA.

Thank you to Mke, Leroy, and FishTales...I mean John
Glad to finally meet you TR and good to see many old friends and meet some new ones. Thanks for the opportunity to share PFBC news. This is always the fun part of the job! Tight lines. FT