TGIF, Albino Swimming Deer Head & Duck Party, Cumberland County, PA---2/21/2014



Feb 12, 2013
TGIF, Albino Swimming Deer Head & Duck Party

Had a good start to the weekend. I had three trout in about a twenty minute span all from one location.

All were hook on an olive Cheech Leech like fly (a single trailing stinger hook, steelhead style) on an agressive retrieve. The first fish was a female brown 19-20". The second fish got off after about 10 seconds and I did not see the it. The third fish hit about 5 feet from my position…which is tricky on a 9 foot rod (8wt Hobbs Creek/White River). On the way out I took the pic of the bleached white deer head and the group of un-startled muscovy ducks (they did not seem at all alarmed by my walking pasts them in the dark…they just wagged their tails at me).

Here is a link to a Flickr site that has photos from tonight (first eight images). After that are some older images.

Very nice, all weekends should start like that. Congrats, those are some nice fish.
Night_Stalker wrote:

All were hook on an olive Cheech Leech like fly (a single trailing stinger hook, steelhead style) on an agressive retrieve. The first fish was a female brown 19-20". The second fish got off after about 10 seconds and I did not see the it.

Do you often fish streamers with the single stinger for [non-steelhead] trout? How do you find your hook up rate is with these?

I tied some sculpin patterns this way and used them for the first time this weekend. I had what felt like 3 good strikes, but did not hook up on any of them. I really liked the way they looked but started to lose confidence after the third miss.

the pattern I tied was something similar to this:

I will snap a pic of the fly I was using. I had a corner of jaw, a top dead center of nose and one that threw a hook. Not much to base an opinion on. The angle of the hits tends to be from the side.

(I noticed that I did not mention the size of the second fish...22-23")
Here are 2 photos of the fly.

The previous mentioned butt monkey fly I was using was at least 5" and only had the one hook. I had a number of short grabs on that fly...and I have had many a tug of war with fish grabbing rabbit zonkers short of the hook. You can see why the double hooked articulated flies have evolved.

Thanks for your input. My main reason for tying in that style was so that I could fish low and slow with less snags, and that did seem to work well. I will stick with them this spring. Perhaps more agressive fish will prove to make a difference.