Testing your knots

One thing you have to watch with clinch knots is the size of the hook. If the hook wire diameter is a lot bigger than the tippet, the knot will slip. I'll use a non slip mono loop if I'm tying a smaller tippet to a larger hook eye for some reason.
True ^

Skip clinches or davies for big streamers or any bigger fly. You can't go wrong with a palomar knot. If not, a trilene knot works well too for the big stuff.
I know I'm probably wrong, but I think clinch knots can loosen on heavy baits/lures bouncing off rocks, etc. if that's what you were using/doing smallmouth fishing.

It's because of that I use a Palomar knot pretty much exclusively for all of my conventional fishing. Offhand I don't know how to tie or use the Orvis knot, but I'm sure it is better too.
One thing you have to watch with clinch knots is the size of the hook. If the hook wire diameter is a lot bigger than the tippet, the knot will slip. I'll use a non slip mono loop if I'm tying a smaller tippet to a larger hook eye for some reason.

As a surgeon and blood knot alternative, the speed blood knot can be useful. If you tie a lot of blood knots it may not be a lot faster but, as a surgeon knot user, the speed blood knot is a much quicker option for me when I want the features of a blood knot.
Thanks didnt know that. Does explain why that was happening smallmouth fishing