Terrestrial Swap still has openings


Active member
Jul 11, 2022
Camillus, NY
I'm hosting a Terrestrial Swap - ants, beetles, bees...any insect NOT meant for the water pattern (Look under the "Fly Tying" line located just below this "Beginner Forum" line). The GOOD news is the swap IS on, the BETTER news is it still has some openings and I would just LOVE to invite some newer tyers and those new to swapping into this swap. This swap closes on September 18th.

My name is Kim and I have been tying for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for just over 13 of those years. This swap AND ALL my swaps are open to ANY level/experience tyer. Swaps are a great way to not only learn how to tie flies but also hone your skills. Let me know that you are a newer tyer and I can help support your tying efforts by:

-providing pattern suggestions for the swap's theme like:

The Ant Carol

Parachute Ant

Simple Foam Beetle

Reid's Irresistible Hopper

Banded Woolly Bear

... and others.

-also, once you make a choice I can send you the tying directions along with some hints/tips/traps to avoid when tying your choice
-lastly, when you send your flies in for the swap i can send a critique on where you did well and where you could improve WITH specific directions on how you can make those improvements.

Also, in all my swaps, I provide a fly tying gift or 2 to all members of the swap. There are THREE EFFECTIVE WAYS that most people can use to learn to tie flies - take classes, tie with (right next to!) other experienced tyers, and fly swaps. Swaps are especially helpful in developing your small muscle memory (the ability to repeat motions with your fingers) as well as your tying eye (how to see when the fly looks like the picture/example fly).

I've tied with many a fine tyer in my life and enjoy passing that knowledge forward to the new tying generation. Also, if you can not make this swap, I do offer them on this site about every other month or so. If you have ANY questions/concerns PLEASE feel free to either PM me or (if you are too new to the site, respond on this message thread. I'm retired (meaning OLD!) and I check this site at least daily.

And to participate in ANY fly swap all you need are 5 basic things - your flies, with toe tags, in your swap box, and a SASE, all inside your sending (mailing) envelope. I have a "Fly Swaps 101" that explains all these terms in easy detail, just let me know and I can PM one to you.

I look forward to swapping with you!
