Terrestrial fishing what X leader are you using small stream

Interesting takes. I use 5 x early season and switch to 6x trouthunter and have caught many 20 + trout in big fast water for a long time. Could not imagine presentation being anywhere near what is needed when using small flies 16 and under on the rope you guys use.
6 and 6.5 flouro trouthunter is excellent for presenting small flies to selective trout....and yes...dry flies.
With size 16 flies, I'd use 5x too. The rare times I've used 6x have been with size 18 or 20 BWO type stuff...I just don't fish that stuff much. Size 16 is generally the smallest flies I fish.

Most of what I fish is size 12 or 14...so 4x is perfect most of the time, or in real delicate situations maybe 5x with flies those sizes. Most of the terrestrials I fish (hoppers most often) are bigger than that even though...I'll fish them on 3x sometimes...It's good for retrieving them back from streamside brush too.

I'm not very good though, and skill above all else is more important than what we're discussing in this thread.

That is exactly why i never use 6x with terrestrials. Unless you are fishing an ant the fly is not small enough to warrent 6x.

I dont fish beetles or hoppers small enough to need 6x.
6x for terrestrials? When fishing terrestrials you're normally casting as close to the bank as possible. A decent brown will make a beeline for the nearest rootwad.

Use anywhere between 3x and 5x, going by standard tippet to hook size recommendations.
Regarding 6x for terrestrials:

I sometimes fish beetles down to size #18 and #20.
And sometimes going down that small does the trick - after trying #12, #14, and #16 and no takes .

I know someone else mentioned about fishing slate and cedar runs.
And I could understand 6x making a difference there.

Even Spring creek in the summer and fall.
Highly pressured fish in low, very clear water.
I think it can make a difference
I know this is about terrestrials on small streams and yes I think 5x would be fine for that in most places. I am more fishing medium and big creeks and rivers and very often the fish are educated. Also I am talking later summer when flows can be lower and clear etc. so I get into that smaller size line. Also fishing much of the time with 18 and 20 flies. Ants and flying ants. Ants are one of the trouts favorites everywhere I go. 6x fluoro pretty much stays on my line from here on until fall. I feel like I do best sticking to that. Even the little sulfurs and caddis I fish are generally 18s. Now with tricos you might have to drop down to 6.5 or 7. I like that 6.5 a lot. It is surprisingly strong.
My 2020 resolution is to fish more ant patterns, what's a good one that has decent visibility? I rarely fish heavier than 5x, this thread has me reconsidering this.
So, there is a 6.5x tippet out there?
theoriginalnickyp wrote:
My 2020 resolution is to fish more ant patterns, what's a good one that has decent visibility? I rarely fish heavier than 5x, this thread has me reconsidering this.

I like black deer hair ants and beetles.
Hard to see for sure.
But - depending on how the glare is - many times I can still see them, if they're floating well.
If not, I just lift if I see a rise anywhere near where I think it is.

You can tie in a post of something bright orange or red to see it too.

You can also tie orange colored ants.
A very nice gentlemen who used to post here years ago - named Paul
G, I believe - used to swear by this pattern
Sadly, he is no longer with us
Use 4x if you can get away with it. Just had a little j fish snap my 5x leader when he hit aggressively on a beetle.
fire ants are the bomb. They also look like small orange mayflies which come off late in the season so you can fish into the evening. Paul G was right.
I don't know where you folks are fishing but I am pulling BG through stumps and lilies and 5X , although sounds good, I don't know, scares me.
Baron wrote:
I don't know where you folks are fishing but I am pulling BG through stumps and lilies and 5X , although sounds good, I don't know, scares me.

This is a whole other ball game compared to what is being discussed in this thread. By all means, use heavy tippet and save yourself some grief.
9 foot leader and tippet combined ending in 6x.