Tenkara Using the Ebisu by Tenkara USA



Jun 14, 2007

Hi. I cast my fly into the tenkara pool this season. I researched the options and purchased an Ebisu 12-foot model from Tenkara USA.

I used the rod matched with tenkara level line along French Creek last weekend. The casting was light and easy and very effective when probing little pockets within the wide shallow stretches overlooked by spin fishers who require more depth. Fallfish, smallmouth bass, and a brown trout all came to my hand.

Tenkara is certainly not cane poling. There is a fly on the other end; and the backcast and roll cast are all used as with conventional fly gear. The main difference is the simplicity and efficiency of the method and, of course, the fact that you don't strip in or reel in a fish, you kind of lift it toward your net!

The Achillies' Heel of tenkara, the one I have found, is in snag situations. You can't reel up to a fly, and the fine tenkara tip needs to be handled with kid gloves. If you snag on an underwater rock, you have to wade out to it, or break off. If you snag in a tree, say goodbye to the fly.

That's a whip finish to my first impressions. To learn more, visit the Tenkara USA website:


Hope this helps. . .

-- ron P. swegman

I have a Tenkara rod also. It's the 12' Iwana. It really is alot of fun to fish with. I agree with your observations about snagged flies and getting hooked on underwater rocks.
I have a Tenkara Yamame and an Ebisu and love to fish with them both. Underwater rocks can be a bit touchy, I always use a furled leader whihc give a bit more pulling down a fly from a tree.

But I do have a nice collection of Walnut Trout, and Oak Trout! LOL!
Glad to hear you jumped in and like it. Since about a month after getting my first Tenkara Rod last summer, I have yet to pick back up my western Rigs.

I have the Iwan 11' and Amgo 13'. I feel the Amgo has a lot of backbone, I think I want to try the Ayu as I like a lighter touch. With the Amgo I have pulled in fish in the 15-18" range with it and its more then enough rod. I have done the same with the smaller Iwana which then becomes a real fight with anything over 12"

Ya I lose a fair amount of flys to trees, but with the simple flies I've been using I just go tie another fist full.

Overall my take has increased substantially since using tenkara, with the bigger improvements on the harder streams.
If you use them on the small streams it's impossible to walk through the woods with. You have to collapse it and take the line off. Cool idea but that is a pain in the *** to me. Especially when the stream bank is lined with bryers and laurel.
I never take my line off unless it is to switch to something different.
I use Fuji EZ-keepers to allow me to store line quickly when I collapse the rod for short walks through tight brush etc..

Simple and fast to install.

