Tear Up Your Fly Fishing Resume G&G

An interesting topic. I have been fly fishing for roughly 60 years and grew up when what I learned I learned from people on the stream and not the internet. Most fly fishermen were secretive and it was a real blessing when an experienced fisherman helped out. Later in my 30's Al Miller taught me to be a far better midge fisherman. I have met a lot of great people on the stream that helped me and that is one of the joys of fly fishing for me.

I do believe in helping out only when asked (with maybe a minor prompting). For example, when I see a bait guy in a special regs area and they appear ignorant than shady, I give up a spot in open areas for them to catch fish. However, what I also see is people asking for advice and not following. For example, at one place I take TU guys to the fish stack up against shore. I have said on every trip look before getting in the water here and prepare to hit the seams near the bank, regardless that the water appears shallow. Every trip for 20 years or more all the anglers wade right through the good water to get waist deep and fling flies to the middle of the stream. Meanwhile, those dark streaks head to parts unknown. The guys do this even after I catch a few standing on the bank. Oh well, there are duffers in fishing as well. As long as they enjoy it.
Every once in a great while I'll ask what the fish are hitting on. But that's only when I'm not catching. And the same goes when I'm asked.

Setting is important too. In my mind there are a number of "social" spots where conversation is the norm. The fly stretch of the Little Lehigh, the Lower Fly Zone on the Salmon R, and Cairn's Pool on the Beaverkill come to mind. When one fishes with the crowds the back and forth can be expected. If you want to learn shad fishing, the crew at the Copper Mine pool are usually ready, willing and able to help.

However, if you hike back to your secret brookie stream or 1/2 mile from a road on Penn's Creek stalking a rising brown I'm pretty sure you are not in the mood for the "what are they hitting" chit chat.
PennypackFlyer wrote:
Every once in a great while I'll ask what the fish are hitting on. But that's only when I'm not catching. And the same goes when I'm asked.

Green weenie
I don't know about that JeffK.....since it is also about presentation, location, etc. I can gladly give someone advice....And if I don't have a fish online....I can always tell the person that, "I don't know since I just got here".

I don't base my success on what another person is using. To often I let my determination to catch interfere with my catching.
I never ask, and usually lie when asked.
Seriously: if you are asked to peek into your flybox or what you are having success with, why would you dissemble? We are family, are we not? Even if a bait angler asks what you are using, why not just answer that you are using a green weenie? He probably has some fluorescent green powerbait in his arsenal.
I like to give a guy a fly every now and then(not while they are trying to fish.) It's mainly to make a friend, but sometimes they ask questions and I'm happy to tell them what I know. But if they don't ask any questions, I don't give them any answers. I have had people offer me a fly as well, and I always ask them how they fish it.
I think fly fishing is interesting because unlike something like technology the same thing that worked well 30 years ago can still work well today. Try using a computer from 1987 today... yeah not going to work. Try swinging wets (yeah a lot longer than 30 years ago) and you can slay some fish. The interesting part is that things still evolve and change and some techniques can help in catching fish. Who would have thought that using a 10-11 foot rod with a line you can't really cast and tungsten beads on a jig hook would be so efficient? But yet here we are. Or even flies... so many new synthetic materials and techniques to tie with these days. Never stop learning but yet don't compromise who you are.
I am going to rename one of my flies to "*****"

You all know where I'm going with this ;-)
wow...so if a newbie here asks what color bugger should i use and how everyone gets all PC and writes 2 paragrahs about how to do it and then one guy says "try and figure it out yourself with different techniques" and then he gets banned...I guess its a different standard on here vs the stream....here's a tip...dont be a d1ck...unless you think its validated.....if some schmuck looks like he's casting in a prudential commercial....help the mofo out.