tea creek



New member
Sep 18, 2013
Does anyone have any good tacticts for fishing tea creek in mifflin county? I know that creek has a lot of fish but they are tough to catch.
# 18 orange crane fly, or a # 12 yellow stimulator.
It's a spring creek, correct? I fished it once, caught a few, all on scuds. It reminded me of the upper end of the Tully.
Yes its a spring creek and i fished it once with stimulators and they spooked really easy. I plan on going saturday and i was thinking about using scuds but its so small to nymph.
I fished scuds under a caddis. A stimulator would work. Drop that scud right off the stimy.
Did you use weight with the scuds and did you use and indicator? Ive only ever really nymphed bigger streams like penns so i could use some advice on these smaller streams. And did you fish upstream or down?
Upstream for sure, and if memory serves, I did not wade at all. This was at the "Jam" 2 years ago. The stretch we fished was kind of a clearing, like a meadow? The caddis was my indicator. My scud was just your basic olive scud. I didn't put any split shot or anything like that on, though the scud may have had a bead head. Basically a size 14 elk hair caddis, about 12"-15" of tippet tied off the bend of the caddis hook, olive scud. Cast upstream like you would normally present a dry fly, and feel free to skate that caddis around too. Scuds swim, so having some movement in the water can bring on a strike.
Presentation is key. Stay down, stay back. Make longer casts or sneak your but off. There is no substitute. The best tied fly will not overcome a poor approach.
Yeah i was thinking you meant a caddia larvae. Ok so basically just use a dropper off of a elk hair caddis or stimulator and be really sneaky and i should be good to go.