Tangascootac Creek



Active member
Sep 18, 2006
Milroy PA
Has anyone ever fished the Tangascootac Creek in Clinton County? I will be up that way in the near future and was wondering what I might find. You can contact me privately if you prefer. Thanks.
Dear Tups,

It's a mine crick


You may find some fish here and there and fishing may improve over time, but in my opinion you would do better elsewhere.


Tim Murphy :)
Thanks Tim. I appreciate bad news as much as good sometimes.

My camp sits on one of the trips of Tangascootac. The stream by my camp is called Mill Branch. It runs into the North Fork of Tangascootac which is a great little native brook trout stream. Tim is right about it being an old mine creek. My buddies camp sits on it and there are no fish around his camp. If you go towards the lower end of Tangascootac creek you will find some fish down there. They are working to clean it up though. Where will you be staying. Scootac road is not in great shape either. A lot of pot holes in it. There are plent of small runs and creeks in that area though. If you are staying at the lower end of Scootac you can drive up 120 towards Renovo and hit Baker Run. Call or pm me if you have any questions or need info about the area. I grew up just outside of Lock Haven and still have two camps on Beech Creek Mountain. Phone is 315-404-9811. Email is mattwolf@yahnundasis.com. Thanks and good luck. BTW absolutely beautiful country up there. Lots of bears as well on the hills around Scootac.