tan caddis recipe


May 29, 2007
I've seen 20 tan caddis recipes and of course they are all different. Anyone know of a killer one for western PA?
I've never used it out west, but here are my three favorites for the tully, which has tons of caddis and lots of picky trout.

Tan dubbed body, CDC tuft tied downwing and flared.

Tan dubbed body, Elk tied downwing and flared.

Tan cdc feather palmered up the body, Elk tied downwing and flared.

The first one is a basic cdc caddis, the second is an elk hair with no hackle (you can add it if you like) and the third is the CDC and Elk. You can google any of these patterns for pictures and tying variations.
"20 tan caddis recipes and of course they are all different"

You answered your own question...elk hair, tent wing...it doesn't matter. If its tan and the right size and it doesn't even have to float very long...it'll catch fish if they are eating caddis and then often of they are not. Hell, I tie on a caddis if there is nothing in the air or on the water. Caddis are to trout as chocolate is to my wife. Not sure why but they really seem to like it and never pass on an opportunity to eat it.

elk hair float really well...they are easy to tie and its the first fly my kid caught his first trout on...you can alter them when you tie them as much as you like...palmer hackle the body or don't...palmer hackle in front of the wing or don't...hackle both...

If you are really into it Rene Harrop has some wild stuff.



Bu t you can't beat

the Elk Hair Caddis for simplicity, durability and results...just my opinion.
I really like the cdc & elk, which was covered in another thread. It's about the easiest ties I've ever seen.

I really have to agree with tomgamber. I almost always start out fishing an EHC.
Thanks everyone for the good sites and advice. I posted that question just before I went on a trip to fish, and tied something that I copied from a pattern in a store. I caught the littlest fish imaginable, not trout, and the brooks didnt like it! The guy at the shop warned me about the hackle I bought. A chinese chicken part that claimed it was for dry flies. It sank after 2 throws. I guess you have to spend a bit of money for the good stuff!! I caught fish with something I tied as an experiment instead.