
Mostly hackle fibers, microfibbetts for smaller flies.

One oddball I've used is squirrel tail. Easy to work with and it seems to work as well as anything else.
I forgot one...

I use black dyed pt for my extended body coffin fly (I don't own moose mane).
I use hackle for all my tails. I have thought of using microfibets, but haven't bought any yet. I like the idea of a paint brush, and will probably try that out. I also use either deer hair or elk hair for some of my wulff's, stims, and other attractor patterns. I'm in the same boat as you Jay... my dries are ok at best and need some improvement as I use them more each year.
I have used just about all of the materials for tails already mentioned, but for me, I prefer spade hackle over just about anything else. There are exceptions, of course, but, generally that is what I use and would recommend. You guys who are going to the Sommerset Show should go by and visit Charlie Collins. He has bags of spade hackle for $5 that will provide all of the tailing material you will need and for me is the best thing to use for tails.

Sandfly, I must admit, I haven't used camel for tails. After being stationed in the middle east for 3 years back in the early 80's, I was sick and tired of seeing, smelling and eating camel. I never thought it could provide tying material! Maybe I will look at them in a different light now.

Cheers, Mike
What unit were you with, mikyb. Got a friend who was there- 173 airborne brigade.
I am on my way to the local art store to geta brush after work tonight. Great tip.
go to the craft store and buy a variety pack of paintbrushes. lots of uses there...the real small brushes make good trico tails...
Sandfly, I was with a private contractor working in Riyadh for the Saudi royal family.
i dont even bother adding tails on tricos. they add drag to your drift making it look unnatural.
I tie my tricos backwards so the tippet mimics a tail.