Tail lights ON!



May 31, 2014

Pretty cool colors on this Gunpowder River wild brown.

Could see the bright red spots on the adipose fin and tail before I even got him to the net.

Had a pretty good midge hatch. Got a few nice wild browns on #20 midge emerger - tan body with extra fine black wire rib and Dunn hackle around thorax.

Also got this nice chunky brown on a white marabou streamer at dusk (5:50pm !!)


Very cool pic of the taillight fish. Never seen any fish quite like that.
Nice day out... Beautiful color. Nature
paints some pretty pictures, doesn't it?

Someday I hope to get a glimpse of one of those allusive colorful native brookies in the Gunpowder.
cool. i'm waiting for a calm day to get back down there. today would have been perfect but its my wife's birthday.

lovely fish.
The adipose on the first one is really cool.
Nice browns. GG
krayfish2 wrote:
The adipose on the first one is really cool.

Really lit up, isn't it?

It was pretty cool to see in the water.

Every once in a while you notice something unusual about a fish as you get it near the net, a scar from a bird, an old fly in the mouth, etc.

This one really caught my attention when I noticed that adipose glowing in the water from about 10 feet away.

Looked like he just hit the brakes!

Clearly, I am easily amused.

Gotta love the colors on those wild fish!
I am reminded of the toreador.
Those spots almost didn't look real they were so bright. Neat Pic.
Those really are some neon reds on that first brown. Very nice. That's one of the reasons I love wild browns.