Switch Rod Instruction



Jul 23, 2012
I have a Beulah Switch rods and I'm have a ton of trouble with it. Is there someone in the Pittsburgh area that could give me some instructions. I need help with my switch rod. I'm not sure if my set up is right or me or both. Is there help near me? Can you help me please!


I edited your title to reflect the subject.
Hopefully you can find some help. There has been a lot of discussion of switch rods on this forum - try the Advanced Search at the bottom of this page.

Switch rods are hard to master and finding a good line that matches the rod and the casting technique you're using is complicated and can be frustrating in my experience. I'm still experimenting with my switch rod trying different line types and head lengths and weights..... and still can't figure it out.
Thank you. I hope some can help me. I have tried to get with the fly shop owner but he fishes during the week when im working.

how long is the rod and what type of casts are you having trouble with ?

you should be able to roll cast with most switch rods as a start - you can also look at the rio website resources that will match your rod weight to one of their switch lines.

then compare the profile of your line to the profiles of their lines, that should give you a clue to see if you're in the right area.

i'd also search youtube for switch casting videos. that can give you more clues.

i'd also suggest signing up to the spey pages forum where its highly likely someone will be casting and fishing your exact beulah model and again can you give some clues about line selection, including one or two of their pro staff

other than you casting infront of a FFF instructor, i think that's the most you can get from the internet.


I am also a member of speypages and put a post on there also.

Please bear with me with my explanation if I'm not clear. I bought a Beulah 6/7Classic Switch rod with a Echo Reel. The fly shop owner set me up with a Scientific Anglers Dragon Tail 120ft shooting line along with a Airflow Tactical Shooting Head, Skagit switch float. 390 grains, and I think a T14 tip. I need help to understand all of this. I took a lesson in his back yard but when I hit the water I couldn't do jack. Over head cast is great but the rest is poor at best.
I use my Rio Virsa tips with my standard 7wt. What does the T14 mean. Explain the language please. I also have been looking at what Beulah recommends on the web site. Am I to heavy for a virgin or what. I think its a snap T and double spey but not sure. I do know this that might help you. I'm left handed, so I'm trying to come over my left shoulder and the water was running from right to left. If that helps.

easternfly wrote:
I am also a member of speypages and put a post on there also.

Please bear with me with my explanation if I'm not clear. I bought a Beulah 6/7Classic Switch rod with a Echo Reel. The fly shop owner set me up with a Scientific Anglers Dragon Tail 120ft shooting line along with a Airflow Tactical Shooting Head, Skagit switch float. 390 grains, and I think a T14 tip. I need help to understand all of this. I took a lesson in his back yard but when I hit the water I couldn't do jack. Over head cast is great but the rest is poor at best.
I use my Rio Virsa tips with my standard 7wt. [color=990000]What does the T14 mean. Explain the language please. I also have been looking at what Beulah recommends on the web site. Am I to heavy for a virgin or what. [/color]I think its a snap T and double spey but not sure. I do know this that might help you. I'm left handed, so I'm trying to come over my left shoulder and the water was running from right to left. If that helps.


Sounds like you are in the ballpark with the head and shooting line. T-14 means 14 grains of weight/foot of sinking line. Pretty heavy sink tip. Try using a lighter tip.

You are on the right track with your OP in trying to find a fellow Yinzer to help you out with casting out there. Hopefully someone can step up and lend a hand. Good luck.

Here's a vid on basic spey casting: http://howtoflyfish.orvis.com/video-lessons/chapter-10-steelhead-salmon-fly-fishing/394-basic-spey-casting
How long of t-14 tip are you trying to cast?
I fish an 11'6" 6/7wt Beulah Classic with a 425 gr skagit head.
You're doing the right cast for river-right unless the wind was blowing opposite or left to right.
I'd start out trying to cast 10' of t-11 or T-8 with 4' of leader and a light fly.
And, find a copy of Skagit Mater Vol.1
And yea, you definitely need someone experienced on the water for a lesson or two. Your technique needs to be closer to text book when casting shorter rods.
yeah Dano has it right - i'd start with the T-8 or a MOW medium.

that will help your timing a little. i'd focus on the double spey cast at first and see if you are getting enough energy from the D loop to cast out.

you might also want to look on the FFF website for THCI members near you that can offer lessons.

good luck. i don't find switch casting easy, thats why i stick to a 13ft Spey rod (read lazy lol).

If you have Netflix, there is a very good title that I got, "Introduction to Spey Casting." This has some of the easiest instructions to follow. I've done multiple searches on YouTube & have some good sites, but Intro to Spey Casting was way better. I would definitely check it out.

Here are some links I found somewhat helpful:






This stuff at least gave me some basics. I'm still no expert with a switch rod. I'm hoping to go out with somebody sometime to learn more. Enjoy!
Hi Kevin,

Bet you didn't think I'd turn up here did you? I'm originally from PA. and I have a friend who uses switch rods back there. He lives in Beaver, are you close to there? If so, drop me a message here or at Spey Pages or on my own sites mail system, there's a home page listed in my profile here. If you are still struggling I will call my friend and see if he will meet you on some open water for some casting.

Well look who it is :-D Glad to see you. I have been looking over your Nine Three again. It will be in my box soon. There was a guy from Beaver Co that sent me a PM on Spey Pages. Not sure if it was him. I did send khoss a text but he is to busy. I do still need help.

Kevin, I was in the same boat about 6 month ago! I also have a Beulah but 6/7. I also live rather close to you, Levelgreen. Maybe we could get together on a not too cold weekend and toss a few in Sutersville water. I'm no expert but have taught single hand for years and just starting to learn TH. I did get some instruction from Bob at international Angler, I'm sure if you took you set-up out there and asked for some help he would give some tips and maybe a few casts in the parking lot! I'll IM you my cell#. Happy Days Jeff
Thanks a lot I need it.


It sounds as if there will be a happy ending to this. I hope you get things sorted out quickly Kevin, March will be here before you know it.

You know how to find me if you need to, there is contact info on my profile here.
