Sweet Sorrow

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Sal, I want you to know that I will miss your intellectual contributions. I gained some great insight from you. Good luck to you and stay strong.
Always enjoyed your Posts and the information and stories you shared. I have unplugged from all Social Media, actually its been close to 4 years now, and I don't miss it at all. I have been on this site for probably 2 decades and it is a great place to come and read, learn and comment if I feel like. Good luck to you and please check in. It's a community here and I'll wonder how you are doing... heck I still think about 1weight and that other fella who stated an "alternative fly fishing page".. whatever happened to them ?? !!
I assume you mean Gfen and JDaddy. That site is still up but nobody goes there anymore. Well, almost nobody. One banished poster still goes there and posts.
I never signed up for Facebook or Twitter or any of the other social media websites.

But it's kind of fun just shooting the bull on a flyfishing site.

It's nice and simple here.

Does this type of message board even fit the definition of "social media?"
troutbert wrote:
I never signed up for Facebook or Twitter or any of the other social media websites.

But it's kind of fun just shooting the bull on a flyfishing site.

It's nice and simple here.

Does this type of message board even fit the definition of "social media?"

Yes, but it's a previous generation of social media. You have the current instant-BS social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) where people post about anything or drum their business and you have likes/reactions, notifications and all that jazz in real-time. The brain isn't wired to handle that constant drip/drop/downpour of information and it is not, IMHO, a healthy place our society finds itself in.

Drop back a generation and you have forums - not as real-time, not as commercialized, minimal AI generating feeds, info, etc. There's a human behind most posts here, for instance; that's not the case for FB. Most started in the days before we had little devices that let us be connected all the time..

Go back even further and you have bulletin boards (accessible via dialup!!). All provide some means of social interaction on line.

I don't have any of the current generation social media accounts. I'm content being stuck in this generation of social media.
salmonoid wrote:
troutbert wrote:
I never signed up for Facebook or Twitter or any of the other social media websites.

But it's kind of fun just shooting the bull on a flyfishing site.

It's nice and simple here.

Does this type of message board even fit the definition of "social media?"

Yes, but it's a previous generation of social media. You have the current instant-BS social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) where people post about anything or drum their business and you have likes/reactions, notifications and all that jazz in real-time.

Like. ;-)

But seriously folks...

The Likes and Subscribing and Notifications and that sort of stuff really degrade the whole thing. I hope those are never added here.

I will say that I deleted Twitter, Reddit, and removed everyone from my Facebook friends list that I haven't personally seen in like the last year (so basically its just family and close friends).

It has made my internet usage so much less negative and overall a better online experience.

If you decide to come back, that might be a strategy that works for you as well.

Best of luck out there on the water!
Interesting topic. The closest I have come to social media is the Forum on this site. I don't know how to access twitter or facebook, nor do I care to learn how. My wife uses facebook, and it seems to be an inane site. People will tell her they're leaving the house to go to the store, are going "uptown," etc. Who needs that? I waste enough of my time without tweeting or facing (whatever they call it).

Guess I'm just an old fogey.
Social media from my day. :lol:


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Social media from my day. :lol:
I’m right with you. This is enough for me. My wife started up one popular social media platform and lasted for a week until she disconnected. Decided life is too short for all of that.
salmonoid wrote:
troutbert wrote:
I never signed up for Facebook or Twitter or any of the other social media websites.

But it's kind of fun just shooting the bull on a flyfishing site.

It's nice and simple here.

Does this type of message board even fit the definition of "social media?"

Yes, but it's a previous generation of social media. You have the current instant-BS social media (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok) where people post about anything or drum their business and you have likes/reactions, notifications and all that jazz in real-time. The brain isn't wired to handle that constant drip/drop/downpour of information and it is not, IMHO, a healthy place our society finds itself in.

Drop back a generation and you have forums - not as real-time, not as commercialized, minimal AI generating feeds, info, etc. There's a human behind most posts here, for instance; that's not the case for FB. Most started in the days before we had little devices that let us be connected all the time..

Go back even further and you have bulletin boards (accessible via dialup!!). All provide some means of social interaction on line.

I don't have any of the current generation social media accounts. I'm content being stuck in this generation of social media.

I have several other social media accounts and find those formats very difficult anymore. They have devolved into something that seems unhealthy in some ways. I'm not going to get into all the details but I think the documentary The Social Dilemma on Netflix covered pretty well. Certainly a good watch if you have not seen it already. Like anything some people can thrive on that stuff and others can get turned off. As they have become more manipulative, they are become more caustic.

Not sure if its a chicken and egg thing in today's world, but the level of heat, hate and fingerpointing just seem to be the norm. Add in the fact they are there datamining your every click and selling it off makes the experience less attractive for me every day.

I have tried putting up filters on certain topics, like the political soap opera we now live in like some Truman Show and stopped all notifications from these accounts. That has helped a lot and visit them less frequently.
Good word-smithing Dave. Its how I feel and probably how most of us feel. Thanks for saying it less fiery and more repeatable....
Amen, Dave. I checked out of FB just before the election and haven't looked back. I'm more at peace and certainly have more free time to focus on what's important (family, me, friends, etc.). The Netflix documentary you mentioned is a good one and well worth a watch. It's true - if you're not paying for something, YOU are the product!

I still enjoy IG for its artistic attributes (filters, etc.), but even that seems to be slipping away as it becomes just another news conduit. I'd have to imagine that at some point in time IG will also fall victim to the simplicity axe and disappear from my phone.

Well-moderated forums like this, for me, are the origins of social networking and in many ways I prefer them over modern-day platforms. It's still possible to meet like-minded people, develop friendships, and enjoy life without sharing every single moment.

Have I turned into a curmudgeon? Nah. I think I'm just a part of a growing movement who is breaking free from the toxic environments that are modern-day social media platforms.

Fish on!
+1 to unplugging. This site is something much different to me. Like a living wealth of information and experiences.