Sweet Sorrow

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
  • Start date


Active member
Sep 9, 2006
As they say it can be.

This site is celebrating 25 years and it should because it is an amazing place really. Not only standing the test of time but also the test of being useful and withstanding multiple user changes.

Over the years, Ive run into multiple anglers streamside and through our conversation i will bring this place up and ask if they belong. Surprisingly many did not and it was always a shock to me.
I have always touted to them the vast amount of good people on this board and how the search bar is an seemingly limitless gateway to PA flyfishing knowledge. I dont know if any of them have ever joined but that would be to their loss.

I found this site, i believe, in the summer of 1998. Being what i call an "alterative redneck" in my youth, I certainly didnt fit in here though, not for lack of trying unfortunately but that is ok. People like me rarely fit in anywhere and I am very comfortable with that. Thought i knew it all as many younger people do but one thing this site will show you is how little you do. (Not a bad thing)

Fly fishing since i was 10 (now turning 43) i can attribute most of everything i learned to the people right here on this site. If fact, sometimes i feel like the only thing i learned from 1978 to 1998 was how to cast :lol: and i was crappy at that too.

Life changes as does the world. For good and bad, it is just they way it is. During my stay here i went through deaths, being single, getting married, addiction, arrest, having children who saved my life , a divorce, more deaths, finding the love of my life, finding Jesus again and now living on my terms and God's. Its been a heck of a ride and frankly i wouldnt have it any other way. There probably was no other way for me.

During this time my wife and i have almost fully unplugged. Our kids are living a life style closer to what i lived in the Appalachian woods of PA in the 80's. The world sure has changed in my brief time here. If i had my way we would go full Amish :lol: being hacked to having your bank account hacked helps when deciding too :roll:

My birthday is soon and one of my goals was to go back to how it was before all of this stuff. So here we are.

This is not one of those, " oh im leaving beg me to stay posts." This is one of those , " damn im going to miss this place posts." Ive made enemies here and some friends that are very special to me. Again all part of the way it is and i wouldnt change it for anything. Some that changed my life forever like Sasquatch. I dont know where i would be without your guidance sometimes. You help lead me back to the word and i forever grateful.

So the next time someone tells you its just fishing, remember it is way more. Way more. I came here for just fishing.

Instead i found your lives catalogued in a search bar now mixed in with mine and it changed me.

Ill miss you all and I mean that.

[d]Tim Murphy[/d]
"Someone" ;-)
Find peace brother. Hopefully get to meet you on a stream sometime. This site is an incredible gift and thank you to the moderators and visionaries who bore it and maintain it every day.

[d]Tim Murphy[/d]
"Someone" ;-)

That's funny! I'm glad I've had the chance to fish and hang out with you. I've told more than a handful of people about when fishing was tough in Potter Co., you crawled (maybe literally) up Cedar and landed some amazing fish while the rest of us half-assed it down on the big water and ate skunk. You got back to Andy's late and I remember checking out your pics. It was one of those fly fishing moments that are stuck in my head. That and those beautiful Hardy rods you had at the time.

Be well out there and don't be a stranger.
Sorry to see your leaving. Always enjoyed your thoughts and insights. Hope to meet you on the water one day.
Good luck. I hope you stay well out there, and I hope you continue to enjoy the water. I wish you, the love of your life, and your kids well. Living your life on your and God's terms will be challenging and, hopefully, fruitful.


Sorry to see you go but I fully understand and wish I had the courage to unplug / go pseudo Amish. You are welcome to hop in the boat sometime... just give me a shout.
God Speed in your new newest endeavor!
Is this the 3rd or 4th time you said you were not going to come back?
acristickid wrote:
Is this the 3rd or 4th time you said you were not going to come back?

Was thinking the same thing. I think it’s at least his fourth. He’ll be back.
I think it makes sense to move towards "less plugged," that is spending less time on the internet.

But I advise against going fully unplugged, i.e. cutting off internet access altogether.

Here's why. There are many things that require internet access. For example, with many job openings, they ONLY take applications via the internet. No paper applications at all.

Kids should learn how to use the internet, because if not they will be at a great disadvantage when it comes to education and jobs. They will have to learn it sometime anyway. And it's easier to learn when you are younger, then as an adult.

Regarding going "full Amish," many Amish use smart phones. And their businesses often have Facebook pages and/or websites.

They are practical people.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:

Being what i call an "alterative redneck" in my youth, I certainly didnt fit in here though, not for lack of trying unfortunately but that is ok.

I never thought that you didn't fit in here.

Flyfishers tend to be quirky individualists. Or maybe even "cranky" individualists.

That's totally normal among flyfishers.

Hard-core flyfishers are all crazy. IMHO. But maybe that's another whole topic.

Good luck, Sal.

You will be missed.

Hopefully I'll run into you on the stream sometime.
I can't say I have seen a horse and buggy with a flyrod sticking out the back but hey why not?
Best of luck Sal, always one of my favorite posters here.

I too have had my ups and downs in life, which had me on here more then less now swinging up again. Hope to see you again, here or on the stream.
Kill them there Snakeheads brother!
Godspeed Sal!!!

My old man used to drill into my head... "Life is as simple or as complicated as you make it." I shook my head at him growing up, but man, that quote rings true in this day in age and has served me well.

There is a lot of benefit in keeping your world small.

I wish you health and many big fish!
You'll be back. They *always* come back! ;-)