Swatara Creek Fishing- Middletown



New member
Jan 20, 2011
Hello, I am new to the forum, and to fishing in general, I have a little experience with fly fishing. I have read online that the Swatara Creek, near Middletown, does have trout. Where would be the best spot to look in Middletown? Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated. I am thinking about the Middletown exit from 283, and catching up with the Swatty around there. I've tried a couple of times near Hummelstown, a little past the bridge there, I believe 322, but haven't seen anything.. there are some decent holes though.
I've lived on the banks of the Swattie since 1994. No trout in the Swattie / Middletown / Hummelstown area except for the few that get down to the creek from Manada Creek. Check out the maps for location where the two creeks meet. You might find a few trout downstream from Manada, but they will be the rare exception.

There are trout in the Swattie upstream in Swatara State Park. They don't last long because of the heat (in my opinion). CHeck out the Web page for the park and you'll find access and creek info there.
SonOfMartin wrote:
There are trout in the Swattie upstream in Swatara State Park. They don't last long because of the heat (in my opinion). CHeck out the Web page for the park and you'll find access and creek info there.

Go anywhere above the park and you will find wild reproducing browns and brookies. They holdover in the park, but I wouldn't fish for them between June and September because of the temps.

The lower end should be worth a try for smallmouth, carp etc.
thanks for the info. I crossed over the swatara last weekend as I visited my relatives who just moved into the masonic village close by.
I remember hearing about the swatara on here and was a surprised when I crossed it as it was wide and slow - more like a warm water. I assumed it had better head waters or had limestone influences. I have been meaning to post about it since I finally got to physically see it for the first time, but Schmitt opened the door for me.
David wrote:
thanks for the info. I crossed over the swatara last weekend as I visited my relatives who just moved into the masonic village close by.
I remember hearing about the swatara on here and was a surprised when I crossed it as it was wide and slow - more like a warm water. I assumed it had better head waters or had limestone influences. I have been meaning to post about it since I finally got to physically see it for the first time, but Schmitt opened the door for me.

It is very much a warm water stream below the upper most 10 miles(probably more like 5), and was severely impaired by amd's in the past, but has recovered admirably, although this has a potential of impacting either the Swattie or Wiconisco headwaters, but no one knows for sure yet. If you are in the area and want to check it out, let me know.

Thanks Boyer...
I'm sure I will be there again in the spring, so I might just take you up on the offer.
That is certainly unwelcome news on the MS front. Keep us informed as more info becomes available locally there!