SW PA and September Trout



New member
Jul 17, 2007
Do most of the people in the Pittsburgh area typically find trout in the Delayed Harvest Areas before the October stocking (Pine, Deer, Laurel Hill)?
In a word, no. Well, actually, there are usually a few trout left, especially in the Laurel Highlands. But they are often only a few and are usually located at cool water tribs and springs. As far as Pine and Deer goes, I don't fish those streams anymore but I can't imagine very many fish left. If you want to try Laurel Hill downstream from the Boy Scout Camp, there may be a few fish left.
Did you read my stream report?? You are fine of you are going for natives. If you solely are targeting project water you will be hard pressed to find fish. My advice is to travel to limestone, go for natives or go after bass. And don't forget the Yough.

I used to work near Deer. I scouted it a few times. There is really no fish holdingwater in that stream, and I will probable never fish it again.
Thanks - I've been fishing smallies the past few weeks, but I drove over to Laurel Hill Creek at the Delayed Harvest section yesterday. I talked to a guy briefly who said he saw several trout and the water was about 70F, so I thought some of the other project areas might have some holdovers. Thanks for the info. I think I'll find a native stream and hit the Yough until October.
As the other guys have noted, they're not many options for trout fishing in SW PA now.
And even the Yough is running out of cold water. I fished it thursday last week, and read 65 degrees at ramcat run. 3-4 miles downstream into the trophy area, I read 70.
Let's hope the weather starts cooling down soon