Susquehanna River - Access Denied, York County

Drove to York Haven today to check out the boat launch at Brunner Island. As I drove into the launch area a Regional Police Officer followed me in with his lights flashing. I thought Wow they are serious about closing this, but it seems I just made an illegal right turn before getting to the launch entrance. He was very nice and just gave me a warning. He said they are not aware of the launch area being closed.

Later I drove down past the power plant and the access roads to the wet lands had the gates closed. The gates did not appear to be new. I don't know if they were open in the past or not. I did not try to access the warm water area. I drove down Gut Road to Saginaw. The boat ramp at Saginaw was still open.

I only ever use the upper boat launch area and that was no different than in the past.

Hopefully this access will remain open.
KGStine wrote:
Drove to York Haven today to check out the boat launch at Brunner Island. As I drove into the launch area a Regional Police Officer followed me in with his lights flashing. I thought Wow they are serious about closing this, but it seems I just made an illegal right turn before getting to the launch entrance. He was very nice and just gave me a warning. He said they are not aware of the launch area being closed.

Later I drove down past the power plant and the access roads to the wet lands had the gates closed. The gates did not appear to be new. I don't know if they were open in the past or not. I did not try to access the warm water area. I drove down Gut Road to Saginaw. The boat ramp at Saginaw was still open.

I only ever use the upper boat launch area and that was no different than in the past.

Hopefully this access will remain open.

Thanks KGS - always a good thing when folks investigate and get "eyes on."
I checked it out Thursday. The boat launch area at the north end was open. In fact there was at least one boat trailer there and a few cars. Fox 43 News was there as well. Fox 43 did have a short blurb about the closing on the evening news. They did contact Talen who gave “liability issues”as a reason for closure. At least that’s what Fox reported. As KGS stated the wetland gate was closed and locked. It is not a new gate but has been open in the past. I tried to drive down to the warm water area as the front gate along Wago Road was open. However their was a security guard parked there. He politely told me that the warm water area is closed and the gate which is located at the south end of the access road is closed and locked. No access allowed. We talked for a bit. He didn’t know the reason for the closures. Said he would be stationed there this week just to inform people of the “change”. He also said he thought they were going to put jersey barriers up at the boat launch access. I might check it out again this week but it looks to me like it’s a done deal.
Concerning those fish kills....
Just an fyi: the Conewago Access Area signs are down.

The Private Property, No Trespassing, No Access signs are up at the boat launch, the wetlands and the warm water access roads.

The State House Rep for that region is aware and has been in contact
with Talen Energy.
Update - looks like there is a meeting planned to "voice concerns" over the closure. January 13, Conewago Inn

I got here a little bit late for this discussion, but the access areas are, indeed, closed permanently. Around 200 anglers, birders, kayakers and others who used the boat launch, warm water discharge and wetlands gathered at the Conewago Inn back in January to discuss this issue, the meeting was arranged by the Lower Susquehanna Riverkeeper. Someone from Talen Energy actually came to the meeting and made a few statements (on the record) but I have recently heard that not long after, that individual was terminated.

The end result of everything is that the area remains closed. Talen Energy cited the tired old saw of 'liability issues and people conducting illegal activities' but never presented anyone with any 'proof'. Rep. Keith Gillespie presented them with PA law that removes any liability for injury or death when you provide recreational access to private property--in essence, all risk is accepted by those who are using the property. The PA Fish and Boat Commission offered to negotiate leasing the areas from Talen Energy; but they refused to even meet to discuss the possibility.

Talen Energy is a spin off from PP&L (indeed, 65% of the stock is owned by PP&L shareholders); but they are only concerned with the bottom line. In our case, the bottom line is loss of river access.