Susquehanna, Goldsboro Lake Frederick

  • Thread starter JakesLeakyWaders
  • Start date


Active member
Oct 25, 2008
York County Pa
Took my oldest son out today to test out the new outboard on my canoe. Stopped over at my Aunt's place on Shelly island near TMI. On the way back to the launch we stopped at some weed beds along the shore. I cast his 4 1/2 ft. spinning outfit along the weed beds and let him reel it in.

We had dozens and dozens of healthy bass around 5-7 inches hit or follow the small weight tube bait, most of them were juvenile largemouth. At one point I counted 6 juvenile largemouth in a circle around his tubejig as it bobbed near the the surface. They took turns hitting the tube usually on the tail just behind the hook. We caught several small bass (largemouths) and some pumkinseeds and redeyes. Lots of misses and teasers.

Light boat traffic had caused just a bit a cloudiness extending just beyond the weed beds and we found a deeper weed bed and although the water was cloudy near the shore it wasn't turbid like on the weekends by mid-day.

Seeing all those young bass gives me hope, I usually don't consider that stretch of river very rewarding fishing, I am hoping to probe a few areas this fall in the boat, and really dig in and find some good smallies. At least I'm seeing young largemouth. I'll bet I know 2 or 3 spots on that stretch where smallies outnumber larmouth I'll have to save it for another trip. Maybe Monday we'll get some more time alone to fish and I'll have at least my 4 or 7 weight along.
Nice story - good to hear.