Surprising Catch on the LJR



Jul 19, 2017
Wondering if anyone has had a similar experience.

Last week I caught a what would normally a trophy rainbow out of the LJR that taped out at 26" on a white Moto streamer. It was a beautiful fish. Almost resembled a steelhead fresh out of the lake. However, I'm pretty sure this fish was an "escapee" from the Farm a couple miles up river. The fish offered practically no fight and when I brought it to shore I could see why. It had a 6 to 8 in brownie in it's craw.

Sorry no pic.
Every other trip or so.
I had a similar experience with a big rainbow on the lj this time of year a couple year's ago. Fish was probably around 23-24" and I lost it under a log, Probably a spruce creek fish as well. I've had a couple other surprising/odd catches there, including a smallie/brown double, and a heavy 17" smallmouth in one of the coldest sections of the river, just below several large springs, kind of a bizarre location to me for such a nice smallmouth.
I've also always wondered if musky from the lower Frankstown branch/warrior ridge lake ever wander into the lower little j. Would be exciting to run into one, but probably very rare if at all.