Super Sunday Lunch



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Good thing I packed one, or I woulda had to eat the two Gemmies I caught.

Water was high and cold, fish were relatively active though. The action I got was from the slowest, most still water I could find. Two things I learned/realized/remembered today trudging through the remaining snow...

1. I'm out of shape.
2. My small stream casting is rusty.

Was nice to just be outside and sit down to a campfire cooked lunch. That was more the objective today than the fishing. More Winter coming, but looking forward to Spring.



  • 02-07-16 (3) - PAFF.jpg
    02-07-16 (3) - PAFF.jpg
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Nice way to spend the day!
How would you rate the Biscuits and Gravy? I picked some up sight/taste unseen from REI. Had to settle for a ham and swiss for my Super Sunday lunch and sadly, I forgot my bottle opener.
B&G is probably my favorite of the Mountain House line. I used to only be able to find it in the small single serve "breakfast" size but saw it in the larger size and ordered a few. Good amount of zesty sausage and the biscuit crumbles retain an actual biscuit flavor and consistency despite being mixed in with the sauce/gravy.

Package says to use 12oz water for a thicker gravy if desired, but I've just used the traditional 16oz and found it to work fine. Ends up as a thick soup consistency at 16oz but the biscuit crumbles keep their integrity nicely. In order to assure you have enough water that these meals rehydrate properly I feel like they are all soups to varying degrees.

My other picks from MH are Chili Mac and Mac & Cheese. Not a huge fan of the rice based ones though New Orleans Shrimp/Ham/Rice is the best of those IMO.
Nice. My streamside lunch consisted of a granola bar, a 6" Sheetz turkey hoagie, and half a flask of Famous Grouse scotch today.

Every time I fish, I reminded of thing 1 of 2. This past weekend I walked a total of 11 miles (6 yesterday, 5 today) and Im really feelin it now.
Had the car packed on Saturday afternoon with the plans of driving north to fish for some steelhead bright and early Sunday morning. Come Saturday evening though, I feel a scratching in the back of my throat and a cough starts up. Then, I start sneezing like crazy. I knew what was coming. Sure enough I wake up at 5 Sunday morning and my ear is totally clogged, I can barely breath, my eyes feel like I had been punched in the first cold in two years had set in. I laid on the couch all day and sipped some scotch.

Was totally bummed out I didn't get out.
You know that stuff will give you some auful nasty smelling gas. Best not to take off your waders in mixed company.