Summer started off with a bang!



New member
Sep 7, 2016
So finally was able to get enough friends together to get a shore house for the summer. Have a nice little house at one of the shore points down in South Jersey. Went out Memorial Day weekend and landed my first striper on the fly. Have spent 3 years with no luck. Then a few weekends later went out again and caught my first flounder on the fly. Was having a real good summer till July 4th. Took the week off and decided to go for a little run that morning. Made it maybe 3 or 4 houses from my house and ended up breaking my left foot, 5th metatarsal, to be exact. So my summer has been cut short and have had to lay down the fly rod for a few months. I may only be 25 but I'm clearly no spring chicken anymore!


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Heres the Flounder, both were released to be caught another day...

never mind. picture won't upload!!
TJacob44 wrote:
So finally was able to get enough friends together to get a shore house for the summer. Have a nice little house at one of the shore points down in South Jersey. Went out Memorial Day weekend and landed my first striper on the fly. Have spent 3 years with no luck. Then a few weekends later went out again and caught my first flounder on the fly. Was having a real good summer till July 4th. Took the week off and decided to go for a little run that morning. Made it maybe 3 or 4 houses from my house and ended up breaking my left foot, 5th metatarsal, to be exact. So my summer has been cut short and have had to lay down the fly rod for a few months. I may only be 25 but I'm clearly no spring chicken anymore!

Good story...first striper. But bad ending...sorry about your foot.

Congrats on the striper. Hang in there, the best SW fishing comes in the fall. Your foot should be fine by then. Good luck.