

May 16, 2007
I was just wondering if anyone had a good pattern & instructions for sulphur.
I got some sulphur colored superfine dubbing.

Just tie it catskill style with the sulphur dubbed body. I use light ginger because it's the best color hackle I've got for the job.

I also tie them as comparaduns too, but the most often tied fly for me is a cdc comparadun sulphur. Just get some light/yellowish cdc and you should get the job done. That fly can be fished as an emerger or dun, and also fishes good wet just under the surface.
Thanks so much for the extra detail! Much needed as I am just starting to tie. Gathering a bunch of materials the last couple days and want to make sure I have what I need to make these patterns.
Don't over look a simple old partridge and yellow soft hackle. They're easy to tie and the trout love'em as emergers.
I just re-read the post and realized you're a new tier. This is still very easy:

Hook: 12 to 22 Dry fly hook (At least this time of year)
Body: Yellow silk, very sparse
Thorax: Optional, but a small tuft of hare's ear will give the hackle something to work against.
Hackle: 1 1/2 to 2 turns of partridge hackle or similar like grouse.
Whip finish and you're done.

You can also tie the body in orange, red, olive or whatever for other hatches. I love these, they're so simple and effective. :-D
Thanks for all the suggestions.

Guttrap, do you have any pictures of this? Right now I am learning best with words and a picture. Or is there another link that would have pictures of this?

A soft hackle is nothing but colored floss wrapped on a hook with a turn of partridge hackle at the head. It looks like a shredded umbrella kinda.

The classic partridge and orange:

You can sub in any body color that you want like guttrap said.

I was tying some last night and attempted to take a picture for this thread, however, my batteries were dead. They are being recharged now and I will hopefully get a pic up this evening. But, as you can see from the previous post, they're very easy to tie.
Maurice's pattern is pretty detailed, but here's another variation that I like, as far as the method for tying on the partridge hackle and the instructions: Partridge & Orange Pattern

I don't have a horse in this race....

but if I did it would be

HookL #14-#16
Tail: White hackle barbs
Body: Sulfur yellow or orange depending on the stream
Wing: Light dun CDC
No hackle.

Pitch it across the cuirrent and pull it under and let it pop up...deadly.
Do you just tie in the cdc on top or do you wrap it around like the hackle from the previous suggestion?
Maurice wrote:

I don't have a horse in this race....

OOOPS, sorry, I should have said "JayL's pattern" for the partridge and orange.
djmyers wrote:
Do you just tie in the cdc on top or do you wrap it around like the hackle from the previous suggestion?

I tie that fly with the cdc on top.

or a more full-winged version:
djmyers wrote:
Do you just tie in the cdc on top or do you wrap it around like the hackle from the previous suggestion?

Like a comparadun or on top like you suggested. Sometimes like a loop wing on the bigger ones. It is not important how it looks because you are fishing it on a swing and it generates reactive strikes. It works on dead drift too but even is glassy pools I will tug it under to gain attention from trout. The important thing is to not NOT grease the last three feet of tippet. let it go under and gently pick up the tip, pulling the fly under and then allowing it to pop back up.
