Sulphur Wannabe?



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
Still plugging away at the vise...

Tied a few of these in size 14. Yellow dubbing and thread with comparadun deer hair. Still struggling to control the hair, but the recent ties are looking better.

What do you think?


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Watch the length of the body. The tail tie in/start of the abdomen should be above the barb.

Crowding the eye a bit too.

All that said, look at that fly from the bottom. The profile looks pretty damn good!

We're getting fussy - that'll surely catch fish.

Tail tie-in is about right, I have the hook deep in the vise. Got a little too much dubbing on the final wraps in front which caused the crowding on the eye.

On the plus side, I no longer hurt myself with the whip-finisher! :)
Yes a little fussy that dog will surely hunt. Unless your fishing extremely choosy fish.
Take a look at the hair you're using for the comparadun wing, is it thin or kinda thick? The thinner hair will be easier to controll when you form the wing. Do you happen to bow hunt or know someone who does? The first three weeks of October is the best time to get deer hair for comparaduns. It's not hard and wirery like in the summer, and not as "hollow" as winter hair (really the hair is full of tiny air pockets) good for spinning and floating. At this point it should be about 1"-1 1/2" in length. You'll have to leaf through a bunch of bags of hair but when you find the right condition of hair it will make a world of difference. You are progressing nicely on them, I usually tie the wing in just a touch further back on mine, doesn't mean it's right, just I find it easier to dub in front of the wing to support it and not crowd the eye. Try taking your thumb nail and kink the hair back toward the bend before dubbing behind and in front of the hair, knida puts it in the right attitude or latitude whichever you prefer. :)
Looking good Dave. Keep it up.
djs12354 wrote:
On the plus side, I no longer hurt myself with the whip-finisher! :)

Thanks, I really needed that laugh!

You are doing well. Don't ever settle for a crowded eye. It is a tough habit to break and one of the most annoying things to deal with on the water.
Definetly getting better man. Keep em coming!