Sulphur Emergers



Active member
Feb 18, 2008
I know it is a little early but does anyone have any innovative sulphur emerger patterns they would like to share.
This is one I have used in the past with a lot of success.

It's just half of a PT and thread as the emerging dun. It's similar to a klinkhamer.

See Jack and Maurice :p


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Thank you it looks great I'll attempt to tie it.
If you can handle that one try this one.

The first one is a simple pattern, this one is a little more realistic, but complicated as well.


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    Realistic Mayfly Emerger.jpg
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I tie the same pattern as mkern (the first fly he posted). I use a good sized puff of cdc instead of the parachute. Easier tie IMO.
Thank you guys. I am going to try them both. I appreciate the input!
I tie a parachute like Kerns (I really like the body on his) but wrap with CDC. I just did a few using the Magic Tool for the CDC around the post. I use foam for the post. Awesome little fly with CDC, I think it will fish even better with the Magic Tool CDC wrap. When I get a chance I will post some photos. Gonna tie some up like Kern's also. Very nice tie!

That would be great if u could post some pictures when you get a chance.
pics aren't the best, but here goes


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A pheasant tail klinkhamer works well for me. Underneath, I use a pheasant tail soft hackle, and a hen and flash soft hackle, tied with yellow crystal flash. I will see if I can scrounge up some pics...
See BWO pattern. I do the same with my Sulphur, very, very simple to tie. Keep your dry sulphur body, replace wings, hackle with light Rabbits fur. Try it really.
I like some more visibility in my emergent mayflies. The first picture is a good, standard pattern that is most equated with the Western PMD. One major point is what Vince Marinaro said 50 years ago is that fish indentify the curved, hanging posture of a floating nymph at the surface. He even proposed a hook heavier at the bend to suspend his patterns more vertically in and underneath the surface.
I go for this idea. Get the body of your immitation down under the meniscus while having something above providing bouyancy and visibility.

I had a pattern that I have since changed. I wish I had a picture of it, but it is so common and simple that I think you'll get the idea. I start with a slightly curved hook with an up eye. Out over the front, I tie snowshoe hare foot. I then wrap back and tie a woodduck flank tail, a reddish brown dubbed body. I add some woodduck legs spread by thread tension torque. Sometimes I dub the head with sulfur dubbing. I then consolodate the snowshoe and stand it up with thread wraps. I also wrap up the snowshoe to make something of a parachute post. Sometimes I wrap a yellow hackle around the post, sometimes not. But hte point is that this wrapping puts the nymph body better under the surface and lets the puffed-out hair tips suspend the fly. It's no big procedure, but it helps your fly orient itself well and quickly. I then color the hare post with a yellow marker. It helps with visibility and suggests a sulfur popping out.
This is a pattern type that I have become very happy with over the years. The stockies in Oil Creek get real picky, plus being stockies, don't feed as regularly as wild trout. I use this style for caddis as well. This pattern proved itself on the chalk cahill hatch in particular with a chocolate nymph body.