Sulphur Emerger



Jul 2, 2013
Since we're in the middle of sulphur season, here's a video I posted on YouTube of a great pattern to imitate the emerger stage of the fly, called the Sulphur Soft Hackle Emerger. This is considered a "guide fly," in that it is very simple to tie, has few materials, and produces fish.


Cool, easy to tie, uses few materials, and gets fish is a winner in my book. Unless I'm in the mood for a complex tie, but I go back and forth on those quite a bit.
I know what you mean, and I feel the same way about complex versus basic. I opt for the latter more often than not, though in the winter, the technical flies are always fun to experiment with. This one is definitely the opposite of that, hence why it works so well!

Awesome as usual...... Thanks!
Nice video. Being a total newbie fly fishermen I really enjoy and appreciate your tutorials. They are head and shoulders above all the others. Thanks.
Great pattern and I have been catching plenty on something close to this.
Thanks, as always, for the positive comments everyone. Beeber, I hope I didn't give away any of your secrets!


beeber2 wrote:
Great pattern and I have been catching plenty on something close to this.
Fantastic looking tie. Thanks for sharing!! Hoping to try tying some of these soon.
Thanks, nice and simple but good looking pattern. tied a few with copper rib as well.
The cooper rib is a nice addition, especially to ensure the pattern gets through the film. I also tie this pattern in other colors to match some other hatches throughout the year.

Great videos. I like how you explain how to both tie and fish it. I also liked your video on the copper john, where you gave some background on the fly and its creator. Good stuff. Keep up the good work.
Another simple but effective fly, little Dorothy. Last evening I was fishing and the trout were taking emergers, then they stopped. I was using a parachute with some success. But when they stopped I changed to a little Dorothy. First cast a16" + brown. Then I nicked and rolled an even bigger one. The end result was more and bigger fish 0n the soft hackle than the parachute. It even works during the day,. before the evening hatch starts. Cast down and across.