Sullivan County freestone/good water temps



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
I fished a Sullivan county freestone yesterday, but fishing was slow. Good news was the stream was still cool, at 60F, although quite low. It was odd, because even the most likely pools/runs that had good water didn't produce like I thought for sure they would. I chased two different, probably 10" fish, that were sitting at the very tail of a couple runs. These trout were easily spooked because of the low water. I had to cover a LOT of stream to get what I did.

I managed 12 natives, which were small, but they were probably the some of the most colorful natives I've caught. The reds were beautiful. We do need rain badly.


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I fished a Sullivan county freestone stream yesterday, but fishing was slow. Good news was the stream was still cool, at 60F, although quite low. It was odd, because even the most likely pools/runs that had good water didn't produce like I thought for sure they would. I chased two different, probably 10" fish, that were sitting at the very tail of a couple runs. These trout were easily spooked because of the low water. I had to cover a LOT of stream to get what I did.

I managed 12 natives, which were small, but they were probably the some of the most colorful natives I've caught. The reds were beautiful. We do need rain badly.
I heard we might get some of what's leftover from the hurricane, Wed, Wed night.
I was up there in the SGL on Friday and had a similar experience. Lots of good looking water with temps in the low 60s but very few fish. Managed a few (brooks and browns) but worked extremely hard for them. Oh well at least the waterfalls and forests were beautiful and I managed to avoid rattlesnakes and bears.
Oh well at least the waterfalls and forests were beautiful and I managed to avoid rattlesnakes and bears.
Yes, the waterfalls make the long hike worth the effort. I'd actually prefer to see a bear or rattler though. Generally speaking, they want nothing to do with you. At 67, bears and snakes are the least of my worries. ;)
I was up there in the SGL on Friday and had a similar experience. Lots of good looking water with temps in the low 60s but very few fish. Managed a few (brooks and browns) but worked extremely hard for them. Oh well at least the waterfalls and forests were beautiful and I managed to avoid rattlesnakes and bears.
Man you are missing out, I dont consider it a good day in the mountains unless I see a bear and rattlesnake.