Suggestions for a secondary (work) tying station, also maybe a travel station?


Active member
May 3, 2021
I have my main (home) fly tying station set up and running with efficiency

I now am required (not my choice) to take a mandatory one hour lunch break. So I plan on setting up a secondary fly tying station to tie flies during this hour lunch break.

Anyone have a secondary fly tying station at their job or maybe some other location? Looking for suggestions how to pull this off.

I am only going to be tying simple patterns like pheasant tails, generic nymphs, maybe some easy dries & emergers.

Also, I will be doing some traveling for a training and want to create a 3rd travel box to take with me to hotels.

Thanks for any input, even if the input says "Don't bother". But I'm gonna try it. If I have to take an hour break every day I am going to tie some flies dammit!
I used to use a Plano 6 tray tackle box. That box now holds mostly thread. If I was driving somewhere for a week I could easily put it back in service. Tools kept in one of those Renzetti foam organizers that doesnt slide around, but you could just as easily drill holes in a block of wood.
I myself prefer to have lunch at lunch but if you must tie, old laptop soft cases are perfect travel fly tying cases and they hold more then enough material and tools. They look right at home at the work place to boot.
I have a travel vise and assorted materials in the conference room attached to my office. My secretary protects me from visitors. I had not thought of a lap top case for materials. Great idea.
Not just material, I carry my vise, base, lamp, extension cord, tools and all the material I feel I’m going to use. I use to use one for a monthly tying group that the pandemic dissolved.