Sudden cold weather.



Sep 19, 2006
I'm heading to Venango County this weekend for our annual Easter get together with the family and was going to do some fishing. My question is, with this major cold front hitting tommorow will the fishing turn off over the weekend or have the water temps risen sufficiently so far to keep the fish somewhat active?
I've always had good fishing as the front moves in. Never mattered whether it was Florida bass or Pa trout. After the front arrives, things slow down. I think this front will slow the fish down some.

But the truth is, ya fish when get the chance.
I can't speak for the trout, but this front is gonna slow me down, that's for sure.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Festus. Fronts are actually good for humans, they bring in the nice fresh air from Canada and the ionization of the air should energize mst people, that's wht you go to the beach you feel great. The waves cause the air to be ionized in a way that makes it very beneficial to humans.
I agree fronts affect fishing as they move it.

However, I don't put a lot of faith in the air ionization thing, sounds silly.
So this ionizated air is the reason I feel good about getting skunked when fishing after the front.

Well, dad burn it, I agree with ol Festus too on this one. The fishing will probably stink, but you maze well giver a shot. You might see a bear or fall in the creek or something and that's the sort of thing that gives you good stories and memories.

As far as the ionization of the air thing goes, cheap cigars are very effective ionization filters....
Well, dad burn it, I agree with ol Festus too on this one.

Must be a whole lotta ionizin goin on what with 2 varmints agreein with me in the same thread. No danged wonder it's snowing outside my winder this mornin. :)
Well here's three then, festus... I agree... "ya fish when get the chance.". and being from Ohio that goes doubly for me. I'll let yins know how i do when i get back
Ioinazation rocks, takes a lot of the crap out of the air, makes you feel 10 years younger!! Anyone for a groundhog shoot??
There you guys go with your half baked theories. The ionized air might make you feel healthier, but the cloud cover that goes with it in this part of the country this time of year can cause a reduction in Serotonin levels resulting in depression in some people.

So, I say go fishing. Two goods almost always outweigh one bad.

P.S. this was posted for humor, and not medical advice. :-D

I love snow, and the fresh air that goes with it. I just don't like snow from April 1 to October 31.
A co-worker just called his wife to find out what the snow situation was out at his house. His wife said they have a foot of the stuff on the ground already. The worse part is, he lives half was between here and where i live. Glad I drove the AWD today, but it looks like an extra long commute home. It is heading your way, Pennsylvania!!!
Where do you live, Dave, we've only gotten flurries...knock on something...
SE corner of Ashtabula County, Ohio. About 5 or 6 miles from PA (not far from Jamestown PA). I have to drive through the snow belt on the way home, I don't get as much as my co-worker gets, or as much as we get where i work. This morning, I had more than him, and more than here at work.
Ok, that makes me feel a little better. Glad I don't have to expect that kind of snow here anytime soon.
with the cold weather the catching may be slow but as long as you are out the fishing is always great....go and ENJOY...and let us know how you did ,I have a 3 day weekend and will be out all 3 days,can't beat that
Tom, as it turned out the roads were fine and there was less snow on the ground when I got home yesterday than there was when I left for work that morning. It was melting from underneath faster than it was falling. My co-worker must have called his wife where she works (Chardon OH) It is the snow capital of Ohio. They often get well over 100 inches a year. My commute runs just south of Chardon.
Didn't affect me, landed this nice 15in brown yesterday,