Sucking it Dry

osprey wrote: may be right!!! The Marcellus shale has been evident to the gas companies for a long time , don't believe that the dissapearance of the gauges has NOTHING to do with IT. In the 70's the gas companies did extensive exploration in this area and the plan has been put together ever since. How hard would it be to make it LOOK like a funding issue , in THESE times? I personally don't trust "THEM" Call me a Conspiracy Theorist , i don't care. Instead of a Blindfolded Fly Tying Contest , i could show the folks how to set up a production line to make tire jacks at the Jam. lol "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE"

OK. You are a Conspiracy Theorist. Ya happy now?;-)
Brother bothers my old azz to be old and incapacitated and kind of having to sit back and watch what is happening and not be able to DO anything about it , when i was most of these young pups age i would have KNOWN what to do without getting on a f ing computer and crying about it.
Osprey, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" Jack Nicholson in some stupid movie.

My previous joke may have been out of line. If so I apologize. but you did tell us to call you that.;-)

You might be old and incapacitated now compared to what you once were, but even when that was not the case, there was only so much any one individual could do before ending up in jail.

The truth may be out there, but nobody really knows what the truth is anymore and many wouldn't believe the truth if it hit them right between the eyes.

There is nothing wrong with discussing this. It might even move us closer to the truth. Who knows.
What can be done,Hoo do you complain to,Well guess what no state or local goverment is lhearing you,They dont care.Come and see for your self millions of gallons are leaving everyday and mostly at night when DOT,EPA,DER are sleeping.Get real people it just plain greed!IF you were stuiped enought to sigh your get what you deserved but what about the rest of us that looked past the new truck and didnt sigh are screwed.John Edward Rogers!
I sorry but i just dont know what to do,Im watching my home going from a nice quite area with trees and deer to none stop truck traffic and pipe lines everwhere.If you are in an area that the drills are not in yet please take a good look first before you start shopping,I can tell you first hand that know one has goten what they were promised and a hole lot of they didnt have any idea about.Check out a gas well being burnt off or try 10 in a 20 mile ring.Too many people are saying that you cant do anything anyway so why bother Tell that to are forfathers about freedom.But now remenber that you will be a terrorist.
but it's called progress!! supposed to be a good thing. you know, jobs and that!
I call it BS.'re not doing anything wrong if it can't be proven. I'm feeling for you man , if my property was threatened i'd do what i had to do.......TU black ops? If we the people were to cop the same "I don't give a flop" attitude towards them as they cop towards us and our property , one thing for sure , we will NOT be treated the same. Think about that.
Small battle won Nicholson boro says no to water pick up site,Either court or different site planned.still millions of gallons leaving everday from other locations.YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO WATER GAS IN ARIZONA WITH THIS WATER BUT PUMPING IT UNDER GROUND IS OK!!!!!
I'm nearing the Black OPs point. haha. It deeply concerns me with the direction that man is leading the environment. I'm realizing as I get older that these operations aren't as innocent as "the good folks who provide our homes and families with resources".

I grew up in the country and saw the wells come in and clutter the landscape. There's not that many farms left there that don't have a gas well in their field. Now I live in the city and I'm surrounded by people who are either clueless or just don't care that they're are destroying the environment. They're even putting wells in down here in Pittsburgh. Great, put active gas wells in a place where they are surrounded by people's homes.

I've recently heard an ad on the radio that has me disgusted. The ad is trying to get people to stand against the actions that the EPA is taking to regulate Greenhouse gas emissions. It's saying that the EPA's move will cost jobs and hurt the economy. How do you pit the economy against the environment? What good is an economy when there's no environment for it to function in? Really, the economy? Why don't they just say "Hey, the EPA is gonna hurt how much $$$ we make and we need to stop them"

I'm a great lover of nature and the outdoors. It troubles me to see people who don't enjoy it just destroy it. The destruction of the environment that we need to live in is pretty offensive if you ask me. Why should those offended stay so docile? Oh, that's right... Well paid, kevlar suited, police armed with guns, tazers, attack dogs, knife sticks, and pepper spray that will follow orders to take them to jail or fine them. The whole "terrorist" label really has become convenient for those in charge.

It is good to see that there are others out there who are concerned too. It's time for me to get more involved.
Its preety easy to get your name on a goverment watch list so do not go to any pipe line meetings,Water converation seminars or look out commity meeting.Real nice huh.When did we start being the bad guys,Oh when the politians got involved.
Each water withdrawl site is SUPPOSED to have a permit tacked up somewhere that states specifically: 1. The maximum gallons water can be sucked out on a daily basis. 2. The the minimum CFS of the creek that sucking out water can be attempted....

Plus, on other streams in Wyoming County there is a addendum that states if the creek is OVER such and such CFS the drillers can suck in excess of (inserts # of gallons here) the daily allotment.

Whatever... it still screwing up our beloved North Central area. Time to move to Lancaster, I guess... I can deal with Amish buggys a lot better than Frac trucks.
I'm constantly worrying about what I say, and if it'll be taken wrong. haha. I try not say too much abstract stuff. Sometimes people confuse it for something else.

I do have a question. Is anyone here involved with any types of conservation based groups? Any Trout Unlimited members? I've been trying to figure out which groups are worth joining and how hands-on and active they are. I can always do my little part, but it helps to have resources. Maybe I could play a bigger part with a bigger group. Any suggestions?
The issue of funding for USGS gages is not in any way related to the natural gas industry. From 1986-2010 Congress appropriated funding to support certain gages used for flood forecasting, including the gage on Tunkhannock Creek. Due to the opposition to "earmarks" in the federal budget this year, we were not able to secure that funding. Fortunately, Pennsylvania DEP was able to dedicate funds to allow continued operation of the gages through the end of September. After that, we'll once again be in the position of seeking a funding source.

I'm a member of TU, as are many other posters. Some have more involvement than others, I'm sorry to say I'm not super involved, I simply give them money and occasionally, when time allows, show up to clean up events and such. I wish I were more involved but I have a lot of time issues in my life right now.

TU is a fine organization. Other organizations to check out are conservancies, which are dedicated to securing public land. Also, watershed associations, which do some land stuff but are primarily watchdogs for waterways, and do a lot in the pollution area of things.

For TU, there are different chapters for each region. There are a number of independent conservancies and watershed organizations as well. Of course, in each case, some are more effective/powerful than others, and the focus is often different(esp. conservancies, some focus on forested mountaintops, others on streams, others on lakes, etc.), and in every region the primary problems can be different (i.e. lack of public land in one area, vs. acid mine drainage in another, vs. streambank erosion and siltation in another). Because of that, its difficult to say which organization does the most for you in your area. Thats something you gotta check out on your own and make a decision. But I do encourage you to get involved in one or more of these organizations.
AndrewDehoff-SRBC wrote:
The issue of funding for USGS gages is not in any way related to the natural gas industry. From 1986-2010 Congress appropriated funding to support certain gages used for flood forecasting, including the gage on Tunkhannock Creek. Due to the opposition to "earmarks" in the federal budget this year, we were not able to secure that funding. Fortunately, Pennsylvania DEP was able to dedicate funds to allow continued operation of the gages through the end of September. After that, we'll once again be in the position of seeking a funding source.

FYI, I Googled up Mr. Dehoff. He is the Manager for the Susquehanna River Basin Commission.

Here is a PP presentaion (PDF) authored by Mr. Dehoff with info on the "sucking it dry" subject matter in the Susquehanna River Basin.

Very interesting reading on the subject.
wrighter00 wrote:
I'm constantly worrying about what I say, and if it'll be taken wrong. haha. I try not say too much abstract stuff. Sometimes people confuse it for something else.

I do have a question. Is anyone here involved with any types of conservation based groups? Any Trout Unlimited members? I've been trying to figure out which groups are worth joining and how hands-on and active they are. I can always do my little part, but it helps to have resources. Maybe I could play a bigger part with a bigger group. Any suggestions?

I'm a member of TU. Local TU chapters reflect the makeup of their local membership and are as active or inactive as the group chooses. This also changes over time with some chapters waning or becoming more energized. With TU you can always attend a local chapter meeting and decide for yourself if it appeals to you. In some cases there are more than 1 TU chapters within driving range so you could choose.

The local chapter in Bucks County has been very active in local stream restoration and education projects for the half dozen years I have been a member.

There are several groups involved in monitoring, i.e. checking water quality etc. This includes some TU chapters in the Marcellus area, as well as some watershed groups, and groups like the Pine Creek Waterdogs.

If you live in the Marcellus area, that might be something you want to get involved in.