Stupid on Friday



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
Stupid is how I feel after waking at 4:30 this morning, realizing I had driven off with my fully rigged rod sitting on top of my truck. Dressed and went over to search for it but no luck.

Really angry with myself for losing this rod as it was one my wife purchased for me.

Anyone fishing behind Keystone College's baseball field on Friday and finding the rod, please contact me.


PS - Anyone know where I can get some anti-stupid pills?
Dave, I'm sorry to hear this, hope someone finds it and returns it.
Yeah Dave, Bummer.

Take it from someone who has done this many times...Put your rod away first, take your waders off last. Make it a habit to stow all gear before taking off your waders too.

Back in 99 I was doing alot of compression fishing. Getting off after a 12 hour shift at 6am, fishing til 11am and sleeping til 5.

I left, lost may rods on the top of my jeep before heading home only to realize 1/2 hour later the rods not in the jeep. Turn around and race back to retrieve it. Always had the fortune to get it back tho.

Hope your rod comes home.
Yo dj

Sorry to hear of your misfortune, and I hope someone finds it intact and gets it back to you.

One of my mentors taught me to NEVER put anything on the roof of the car; rather, if you have to set anything down, put it on the hood instead. You are very unlikely to drive very far without noticing.
That sucks Dave. We have all done it. Hope it finds its way home.

That sucks! I did it this winter, and didn't realize I had left it until I was an hour into my drive. Usually happens when I end up talking to another guy coming or going. No more rod on the roof for me. The good and the bad part: I drove back, and it was there in the snow in the pull off!! My wife wanted to kill me, though, because I was an hour late and she had to go to a work event. She couldn't understand that 600 bucks sitting on the side of the road was not something I could just leave there... I hope it turns up for you!
Tough one Dave and yes, I’ve done it too. I left a very nice bamboo and reel on my friend’s roof and realized later what had happened. This was all we found. Lesson learned……..

I feel your pain as I did this just last week. I retrieved the rod, but the reel was damaged. It was kinda ironic, I returned home with my damaged gear to find that my fresh fly line--specifically for this rod--had arrived in the mail.
I - and most of my fishing pals - have all had the misfortune of doing this.
You just learn from it, and move on. Good advice from Maurice. I made it a habit to put the rod and reel away first thing when I'm done fishing for the day.
I am with Maurice and dryflyguy-- rod and reel are always put away first. But I lost a rod once after putting the reel away, because I leaned it against a tree when a companion offered me a beer. I miss that rod.
Yep, I've done it.
Flagged down a guy once who was driving down the road with a shotgun on his roof. Another guy I know backed over his brand new expensive dobro and smashed it.
Sorry to hear
Had this happen to me back in 2010 with my, at the time brand new Orvis Hydros. On top of the roof, got on a main road, heard it slide across the roof and low and behold, a Jeep jacked up just shy of a monster truck ran it over. Lesson learned
Thanks for the condolences, gentlemen. Tried SaaS call to the college,but no luck. I will try another call on Monday.

Joy has already offered to replace it, but I told her I was the dummy and I should pay the price. :-(
Lost a T&T Special Dry Fly and Orvis CFO III the same way. Not on the roof but leaning against a tree. Drove off anyway. Never got it back. Always put rod and reel away first and check the area before you drive away.

Never had it happen to me but had it happen with beer lol
Hook_Jaw wrote:

Never had it happen to me but had it happen with beer lol

Interesting I imagime if it happens with a beer it is littering. Is it littering with a flyrod? Imagine getting a littering fine for leavng a $300 flyrod behind!
Done it too. The important thing is that you learn from this experience and never do it again!
If you don't put the rod in the car first thing prop it up at the drivers side door and then there is no way you'll forget it.Been there,done that,and that was the only time.
Called the college today, but no luck. Will shave to bide my time until Orvis has a sale. :-(