Stripping Baskets



Oct 21, 2013
Looing for some suggestions on a stripping basket for the surf/jetties. I know the dishtub looking ones work great but I need something I can pack to travel with. Will the basket not be effective if it does not have the fingers in the bottom to keep the line from tangling?
camdogrs wrote:
Looing for some suggestions on a stripping basket for the surf/jetties. I know the dishtub looking ones work great but I need something I can pack to travel with. Will the basket not be effective if it does not have the fingers in the bottom to keep the line from tangling?

I've used the mesh/fold-up type stripping baskets before, but they haven't worked that well for me at all compared the the "dish tub with fingers" type.
Speaking as someone who used shooting heads 90 % time for thirty years I found the shooting line was most critical- use a proper one like amnesia ,keep it stretched and more often then not baskets are not needed.My experience was on big rivers in the west.Surf and jetties are different of course but with proper shooting line no fingers needed.They don't tangle.
P.S. if you are using heads overline by two sizes then cut back at the butt until it balances your rod- takes practice to know how much but the shorter head will cast further and easier to work with.
I always used Cortland braided mono for running line. never have to stretch it. I do use the tub style (Orvis) for big rivers and beach but have a William joseph wading belt / collapsible mesh bag I use for local water along with steel heading and really like it for this type of situation. As always a basket can increase your distance whether using a standard line or a shooting head setup.
ive used the William and Joesph while fishing out of a toon on a lake. it worked well. wish it was a big bigger, but it got the job done. may have to adjust your strip hand a bit to make sure your placing the line in the basket, but otherwise worked perfectly and packed neatly.