Striped bass stocks over fished

Maybe ban holding fish intended for release vertically? Actually kinda serious about that. See a photo of a vertical fish, slap a fine on them. That has got to be one of the major factors for C&R mortality. I've seen guys weighing 25-lb fish on dinky little hand-held scales, have the fish flop onto the ground, and get weighed again.
Based on the ASMFC Striped bass meeting summary, a consideration for the near future may be that circle hooks be required for bait fishers. My bet is that if implemented, the requirement will specify non-offset circle hooks. One wonders if the requirement will apply to all bait fishers or only to those using a specified hook size or larger. It also mentions that new size limits or slot limits will be considered.
Nice article about the ASMFC meeting last week. Out of all the organizations out there it’s the state of Maryland that is trying to stop progress for the protection of Stripers
Confirmed by a number of hook-and-line trips by multiple anglers over the past week and as expected (mentioned earlier), the Delaware Estuary in Pa is harboring a good number of sub-slot size fish up to 20 inches and comprised of a few yrs classes.
I’d love to see a slot limit on stripers... Seems to have worked out well for managing big red drum in southern states. I like the circle hook idea also.
Article relating to NJ shore stripers >

First regulation change made by Virginia