Striped Bass, Morrisville, Pa...Trenton, NJ. ( Trenton Falls )



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
The falls of the Delaware ( head-of-tide) is loaded with striped bass right now, meaning as of yesterday's electrofishing/tagging run. One hundred six stripers sixteen inches to thirty-four inches long were captured in 84 minutes. With more time we would have caught many additional fish, as we left one large area nearly unsampled.

One of the females had still not spawned. Average size of fish captured was approx 25 inches, but there were a high number of fish 28 inches and longer.

Given the number at that set of Rapids I suspect that there could be very good numbers of these fish in the non-tidal River up to Yardley or New Hope.
There were a ton of trout sized stripers in the Scudders Falls area on Thursday. And, a few small shad.
Well, two guys took me up on this and decided to float in Kayaks from Yardley to Trenton Falls. Caught 12 stripers up to 25 inches, two walleye, two channel cats, and a flathead.
I took you up on this today. Actually I fish the Trenton area rather often but I'll give you the credit for this trip. This was my 4th trip out to Trenton but was my best trip so far. 22 in the boat that were all between 22" and 27.5". Four were 27" and 8 were 26". We had another 8 never made it into the boat which included the biggest which would have been a keeper and was probably around the 30 to 34" inch range. Generally we start seeing these numbers in May but for reasons unknown they have really just started to pick up. I guess maybe it's all the rain.

I must also admit to abandoning the fly rod for a spinning rod. The current with the outgoing tide was just to strong for me to mess around with a fly rod.
I'm calling the end of striper 2018. The flows are down and water temps are in the mid 60's. Went out this morning and only boated 4, one, an overmatched dinker 18" on the 8 wt and another equal size that spit the gurgler. Time to make the switch to SMB.
My understanding is that there is a decent population of fish up to 20 inches that hang around in the river all year round
I've caught them up to 34" in the summer in tidal water. Yes there is a small population of fish that hang around for a year or two or maybe three. A 34" striper in august is very unusual. Not sure if he was a hang around or just lazy going home. There are plenty of sub 20" stripers in the river all the time.